The 2nd Northeast Permaculture Open Space
October 2013, Tues-Friday at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY. Some women, as myself, stayed after the women’s gathering for The 2nd Northeast Permaculture Open Space. At this event also initiated and organized by Laura Welland at Omega.
A separate mens gathering has been requested for next year along side the women’s. Last year was where the idea of having this years separate women’s gathering spawned.
The open space was also energizing and bubbled up a lot of topics that we tried to untangle, and build on-going solutions. We start here working together, maybe synthesizing initiatives.
The Northeast Permaculture Ning is a tool that we have decided to start using for proposals and archiving. Also we can use it to make announcements, get involved and find collaborators in the Northeast.
And also know about
digging in…
Planting our gifts plants for an Omega project. I brought EM-1.
Tour of the waste water system.