The Dressy Bessie of Bioremediation

Banquet for the Estuary

A Banquet for the Estuary

(Dressy Bessie is a doll from the 60’s).

Esopus Seal: a Floating Bioremediating sculpture (FBS) made from Living LoBS: Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis — derived from regenerative/Permaculture lifestyles.

Esopus Seal: a Floating Bioremediating sculpture (FBS) made from Living LoBS: Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis — derived from regenerative/Permaculture lifestyles.

Mussels and snails from a pond contributed by Anne And & Ted Apparu-Hall

Mussels and snails from a pond contributed by Anne And & Ted Apparu-Hall

Charcoal drawing sticks made of willow and grape vine. White Feather Farm

Charcoal drawing sticks made of willow and grape vine. White Feather Farm

Drying SCOBYs on the seal

DD drying SCOBYs on the seal. Photo by Joanna Grabiarz. 

Blue Oyster Mushroom block. Bioremediating super hero’s.

Blue Oyster Mushroom block. Bioremediating super heros

MJ Smythe Twirling Kathy Puffers angora fleece contribution into blueberries

MJ Smythe Twirling Kathy Puffers angora fleece contribution into blueberries.

Accumulating Phragmites in the Spring.

Accumulating Phragmites in the Spring. With help from Alec Mattia & Kai


All photos copyrighted. All photo copywrite dd maucher unless otherwise indicated. Request permission and name credit pin back to here, Thank you – much appreciated.

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