The Gowanus Conservancy

A friend of the Gowanus Conservancy took me to this hidden spot on the canal. We walked from The Old Stone House educational museum I’n Brooklyn half way between that the 4th Ave R train. This grass roots conservancy has built up a natural ecosystem on the bank of the canal. Surrounded by industry and brownfields, there is now a welcoming space for micro nutrient rich soil, broom corn, flowers, birds and path ways and seating for people.
People are replanting riparian buffers.

MoS is making connections to the Gowanus to provoke activists to consider the strengths of EM-1 as a bioremediation solution. There is talk of floating islands for phytoremediation with tiny solar run fountains to aerate the water. The EM-1 could slowly release from those islands. This installation in combination with an infamous Beneficial Mud Ball throwing of millions of mudballs would be fun– repeated as seen fit. Why not try it? Putting a cap on it or dredging it will be millions where as EM-1 would be not many thousands. “Surgery should be the last option.”

The companies filling the river with chemical waste could add the EM-1 to their waste– if they can’t stop it all together.






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