Tidewater Center 2024– Intentions


2024: MoS Collective as Artist in Residence at the Arm of the Sea’s new Tidewater Center :a home for their puppet performances, arts, culture, wellness. The funding is on-going. It’s in Saugerties on the Lower Esopus, an Arm of the Hudson River.

The MoS LoBS Lab is growing in the former Arm of the Sea touring bus. This is where we will be stockpiling bioremediating biospheres & bio textiles, paper ink & dyes — anything that will also restore the Esopus estuary ecosystem. The soil on this property soil was found to be highly dangerous. The location was capped and new fill was added. The area surrounding is still not safe. Gated off and the surrounding run off water is diverted through channels into the Esopus.

The property along this river used to be industry, huge factories burning coal and dumping into the river for decades. There are historic photos up at the center.

The stockpiling will culminate with the Great Launch of the Floating Bioremediating Sculpture (FBS). It will create a living estuary that kickstarts natural restoration & detoxification process.

Participation in living this beneficial succession lifestyle are welcome.  Do you have something to add to the sculpture?

Please contact MoS Collective to contribute your offering, expertise and or innovative Lifesyles of Bioremediatio ideas.

One sculpture is nice but a flotilla would be amazing.  The relationships we are created will grow & ripple betterment making.

We’ve already begun to accumulate local visionaries & helpers to this important web of relationships.

Ultimately DD, founder, instigator, envisions a controlled and scientific monitoring of bioremediation lifestyles that culminate in a ceremonial flotilla of FBS’s. The act of experimenting & creating the FBS’s together could instigate a village network and grow systems of living that support earth, each other and ourselves in big amazing abundant ways.

We can do this.  We know what to do— so let’s get going. We have a lot of community to connect. As Shig Matsukawa would say, I’m not teaching the empathic world. People already know. He teaches the microbes. He’s just observing their awakening to being more empathic.

We already know how to be — like our muscles pull our bones out of alignment through trauma and habits, training. So we get hurt. If we practice and allow the muscles to follow the bones instead of visa versa. This I learned from practicing Susan Klein’s movement work for yrs.  It took years and it’s phenomenal… the muscles really do know how to follow their original patterns. They snap back as soon as I loose that focus — I’m practicing. It’s a whole ripple effect throughout my body. Feels easy and powerful to stand  After the chain reaction progresses my foot arches come back and bunions decrease.  I have to focus on standing in my leg bones.

anyway maybe that’s the same as our interrelations. Once starting from a foundational level of the microbes… we allow and awaken to what’s natural and easy to collaborate and get stuff done more easily— ecstatic living.


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