Update: A NYC Tribute
May 2020 NYC Covid-19
MoSCollective’s instigator is in residence at Grace Exhibition Space. She has set out to make lots of Bokashi mudballs balls as a rejuvenating contemplative activity and to tribute to those who have died during this NYC months of shelter in place. By mid June citizens are invited to pick up a fermented a beneficial ball & a seedling to be planted in honor of someone who has died during this time.
The deaths are so high now we are posting a MoS Collective call to action. She could use help with this offering. Help with soil resources, bring empty clean 2 liter soda bottles, organizer deliveries and kits. You are invited to have 3 safe healthy mudball parties. Distribute the balls to be planted w seedlings. Help make 30k balks & plant w 30k produce seedlings.
We have limited time at Grace Exhibition Space this project. June 15 is when Shelter in Place is scheduled to end. I committed to mid June which I think is enough time— now the soil is holding us up.
I’m hoping volunteers of Bokashi ball makers over the city will pitch in to help me/us to reach 30k.
Seeking 5 Bokashi ball & seedling makers
If we had at least 5 bokashi groups they would each host teach 3 Mudball 90 min events, 6 ft apart w 6 people. With 5 groups making 6k bmbs each (Bokashi mud balls) equals 30k. Contact to lead! This is giving and receiving project of Beneficial Succession. The city receives, you and your soil and plants receive, the future receives.
Each Bokashi Mob
MoS mission control at Grace has KEY supplies and can send you kits.
- EM-1 from TeraGanix
- molasses from goldenbarrel.com
note: It will take two weeks of fermenting to prepare Activated EM-1 & Bokashi starter.
Bokashi groups will resources their own:
- $60 of bran (or ask for a donation), have their mixing bins, empty soda bottles to make activated and crates to dry the mud balls.
Soil for balls & seedlings
At Grace Exhibition Space we have some compost. The soil to make a ball needs to be adhesive dirt opposed to fantastic compost. A mixture of dirt with clay that helps adhesiveness of balls. Yesterday we dribbled sculpter’s clay which worked.
For growing seeds: MOS Labs as Grace requires — please send.
— peat moss or similar.
- Donations
- resources
- 5 Bokashi team leaders appreciated
We have unburied souls to nourish in the soil and seedings that grow an the glow with an abundance of super foods.
To steward, participate, contribute: click here.
Pledge to make 1000. Click here.
Order a Bokashi Mudball Kit. Click here
Sunday 5/17/20
Lily is teaching us how to make Bokashi mudballs for her Youtube channel. (In this photo we are 6 feet apart. My arm is stretched out to take photo. Clorox wipe used on surfaces. We are slow and methodical. We re doing it.)
- We added my clay that was in the studio to make beads. I massaged EM-1 into it for two weeks to structure and charge it. These therefore are even more be very special supper crazy super balls. One can buy EM-1 ceramic powder at TeraGanix.com. I thought I’d try it myself.
We just have next to resource peat moss and dirt — or potting soil — something with more adhesive. (Ask Home Depot donation of soil). Bran ask for donation of bran ($1 a pound) in LIC or Hicksville animal feed.
Meanwhile I’m busy w the seedlings, signs, writing and organizing the characters’ costumes and props in the future ephemeral piazza — the regenerative economy.
Permalink: http://moscollective.net/WP/update-a-nyc-tribute/