Update Gratitude Experience

The MoSLabs NYC is currently in our first residence at Grace Exhibition Space: growing, cultivating, activating. Thank you to Jill McDermid & Erik Hokanson.

182 Ave C

– A 3000 Bokashi balls & seedling tribute to Covid deaths (help us add a zero), Rachel Kaplan & daughter Lily, our kid teacher. 

– We have a Bladderwrack seaweed incubator with guidance by Paul Mankiewicz PhD, with mollusk integration. 

Inside DD’s ongoing project  installations and research has evolved over the past month into an experience of incubation into gratitude. 

DD is still focusing on the initial project to make commemorative Bokashi balls:  the project is now 3000 Bokashi balls & seedling tribute to those lost to covid-19 (help us add a zero). 

This hellish break from life is a coping grateful residency and a dd regenerating retrospective — building an unknown future everyday. Everyday the unknown evolves. Everyday watering the seeds and seedlings… growing into what happens as it happens, as life dies, and life thrives.

The experience is becoming a great big thank you and appreciation of our collective lifestyles on the LES! So much gratitude and appreciation of what this LES generation has continued to build. All of what is at Grace is because of the wacky world around me. The ideas would still be sketches or not even ideas.  I want to tag everyone here. (I’ll come back) Starting with Marga Snyder & Ross Martin who brought me to La Plaza Cultural Community Garden in 2009.

Stop by Grace to say hi! Look into the window (182 Ave C). Message me to offer to make Bokashi balls (outside far from ppl) — if you have extra soil or seedlings bring them for the tribute.

You’ll see:

ON the FLOOR DD is growing food seedlings indoors with help of Campos Community Garden and Lower East Side Ecology Center for the commemorative planting.

IN the CENTER is the bokashi ball making-station center.

TO the LEFT CENTER I have a Bladderwrack seaweed incubator with guidance by Paul Mankiewicz, with mollusk integration.

ON the WALLS are depictions of a parallel underwater cave civilization explorer.

ON DISPLAY are SCOBY Skin textile, Liquid mycelium, spawn grain, bioremediating paint slurries and biosphere vessels to be propagated, Ann Lee’s super ball, Kappo Kappino stamp currency.

CENTER HANGING is the cocoon I sit in to center and incubate like everything around me.

FROM CEILING LEVITATING around are wearable puppet costumes made over 4 years w Loisada puppet Lab: permaculture “lifestyle habitations” I created for the 2013 MorUS Show and made slowly over the years in puppet version with inspiration goes to Kappo Kappino, Daniela Fabrizi, Zule Alejandro, Marta VI, Patricio O’Hea, Elisa Blynn, Kalan Sherrard, Charlene Ruscalleda, Adam Ende, Kevin Perez, bryan Fernandez, Juan Bautista Climént Palmer, Pedro Alomar & Rosa,  Alejandro Epifanio, Andrea Gordillo Morales, Francisco, Ann, George Hirose, Theresa Byrnes, Madison, Jaime with much support currently by the inspirational Daniel Polnau. (You’re all inspiring!) plus many more.. The community directors like Charles, Libertad, Catherine, Chris & Alexis, Bill DiPaula, Wendy Brawer, Laura Sewell, Howard, Felicia Young, JK facilitating at El Jardin, Annabelle facilitating 7 yrs of Figment curatorial … and more.

BACK SPACE Also included the entirety of our Ephemeral Village Piazza from the past 8 annual Mud Ball Balls. Around it are the levitating characters and merchants to surround the gatherers who are zooming. The red circle textile represents the monthly gathering since 2015, now hosted in the winter by Grace-Exhibition-Space. The East Village Wellness Circle Wendy Henry, Judith K Canepa Jocelyn Perez Blanco, Joanne Russo, Bettiesacrd Chaokao, Wendy Brawer, Harry Bentivegna Lichtenstein Chana Widawski, Armond, Sharon, Karin Kincheloe, Daniela Fabrizi, Sonia Pena, Alexia Weidler, Studio 55C and so many more.

The LES Urban Permaculture Lifestyle Plans are on the right South wall including a large Asset Map of LES, drawn by Stewart Hoyt with DD, to be continued with Stewart, Green Map System, Andrew Faust Permaculture New York – Center for BioRegional Living, Paul Mankiewicz and help filling in the LES assets :  skilled planner/mappers are requested to collaborate. 

On the South wall renderings of the 6th St Community Center Seed to Table Watershed Farm by DD & Stewart Hoyt, DD’s Lake Anne Village Plaza Plan, her Sony Studio Tree house green wall lifestyle system, Lil Monsters’ Animal Shelter plus more. All are community lifestyle permaculture plans. We notice this is outreach and marketing integrated — as an inherent by-product of the interconnectivity— when the community fabric is woven so interdependently.

At Grace DD is focused on immunity building foods connected to the MoS Hpmmmmm Series (p is silent): The Harbor Phyto Myco Micro Moss Mollusk & Me series.

This experience is actually a big thank you activity to the LES creative, garden community over the past 10yrs. We can create something from this… I don’t know what yet — do u have a vision? I think to continue the same regenerative design plans and lifestyles we were building … more open streets, less cars, more open space.

What’s regenerative imagination? I like the sound of it so…. connect with me to experiment.

The past MOSLab creations on display that were made at the Loisaida Center Annual Puppet Labs include the Scoby Skin Chamise textile, 3 mobile wearable farm stands and Apothecary Alchemist.

On display from the 3rd Annual 6th St Community Center made for Earth Celebrations with bio textiles & floating bioremediating sculptures— this year’s parade in place the miniature puppet version of the floating sculpture. The 7 annual LUNGS nyc Spring & Fall festivals included here plus overlapping work from Parsons, NYU, Earth School, New Museum Ideas City, 7 Figment active installations, yr one Figment with the Earth Matter, kayaking HarborLab, Two Row, SeedBall, MoRUS, Science Adventure Kids (Bokashi balls, amulets).

MoSCollective has repeatedly reached over 200k people that have learned about these deep healing regenerative technologies. All these lifestyles actions are within the reach of regular individuals— small groups best “Mini MoBS”. We can remediate the pollution in us and around us over time as a byproduct of our economy, our self care and our play. By creative thinking, understanding, observing, working with our connected natural systems restoration is inherent. 

We offer the Ephemeral Plaza’s Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis (LoBS) often at the Mud Ball Balls or Ecological Cities w Earth Celebrations, LUNGS, Community Gardens, and spaces like Grace Exhibition Space.

We have ever evolving pedagogy designed for beneficial mud balls, Bio Bikes, Seed Spreading Hula Hoop Skirts, floating restorative sculptures and textiles, the Ephemeral Plaza economy with Wearable Farm Stands, Graffiti Slurry. Help us realize and revitalize by building the Beautifying Pushcarts of Ave C and producing The 3333 Floating Sculpture collaboration.

LoBS mini MoBS (Masters of Beneficial Succession). Partner with us. Grow with us. We hope you can reach out to us if this inspires you too. Help us be more viral than covid-19. 

I missed something…

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