US 1st EM-1 Mud balls to Clean Water! Figment 6/11


Stockpile Plan for Mud ball propelling along harbor-side promenade

Participatory Art Installation “Stockpiles of Beneficial Mud balls” Propel Sat: 6/11 from 10:30-12pm

Figment Festival 2011 NYC!  Figment is a participatory arts festival; non-commercial, spreading to other cities quickly.)

THis will be the first mud balls for cleaning water event in US.

We have hundreds of balls ready to toss.

Where:  On Governors Island : Harbor-side are the stockpiles.
WHEN:  11:00-12:30 pm we will be overseeing people throw them.  My guess is that they will last half an hour at the most. Get their before 11:00 to get a gander. we will try to pace it out.


In other countries they make millions and do major cleaning of waterways. It is call One Million Apologies to Mother Earth.

Mud balls made at Jimmy's 43 this Spring. Workshop: Brunch, Bokashi & mud balls.









One MIllion Apologies: Panang event sponsored by Utility, banks and government agencies.

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