Urban Soil Institute Residency Continued


Urban Soil Institute Residency Continued

Summer 2023

Bioremediation experiment

Apply to join us as the Science Partner! 


Testing the efficacy of the sculpture ingredients. It is the continuation of Last summer ‘s proposal for a residency at Urban Soil Institute (USI) which shares space in the SWALE house on Governors Island, New York City, a few MoS Collective participants, collaborated with DD Maucher, as lead investigator & artist, Shig Matsukawa of Bokashi EM-1, and Paul Mankiewicz consulting. We are putting together the pieces to test the efficacy of DD’s FBS (Floating Bioremediating Sculptures) on water and sediment. Living Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis. Living LoBS.
The elements accumulated for the sculpture testing are from the Hpmmmmm (p is silent) which is The Harbor Phyto Myco Micro Moss Mollusk & Me Series. 


dd Maucher, lead investigator, artist, Marta Dann artist, assisting Tess Grundon, Chana Widawski, artist Nick, Mudball help from Dee and many more. Launch Crew: Marta Dann, Daniel Polnau, Adam Ende, Jimmy Simopoulos. Ecological City Pageant 2018, NYC.

Floating Bioremediating Sculpture. DD Maucher, Lead Investigator Artist 2021

Floating Bioremediating Sculpture. DD Maucher, Lead Investigator Artist 2021, The Frog & The Turtle bioremediating the East River.

This is a curiosity to loosely measure how the mud balls penetrate the water/sediment barrier in comparison to a combination of mudball material and spartina.

We’d like to go further but space is limited.

The sculptures either fall apart and spread out, sink, or the whole FBS and or it’s pieces get caught on an edge. The mycobooms with the oyster cages dangling will stay floating after the raft falls apart. They will cozy up in a cement nook, on the rocks or on the marsh grasses, under a pier, somewhere to absorb the oil the surface.

We’re going to use a succession of bioremediation technics to see what works best.

We’ll set up three space:


   – one control, a willow sculpture floating on phragmites raft (photo)


     – a willow sculpture on phragmites with mud balls material (photo)

      – a willow sculpture floating on phragmites raft with mud ball material and spartina to root through the muck. (Photo)

If we have more space we can continue by adding a 4th with Bladderwrack kelp, then 5th mussels, 6th oysters.

DD brought to Governors Island an array of sculpture pieces to discuss possible protocols.

Photos of 2022 residency at Swale:Urban Soil Institute.






Permalink: http://moscollective.net/WP/usi-hpmmmmm-testing/




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