“Utopia Defrosting”: Bioremediating Beneficial Ice Balls Placed!

“Utopia Defrosting”*.  Now we have a new bioremediating biospheres to add to the group – The Beneficial Ice Ball. Like the melting ice caps that reveal secrets of the past. It is part of MoS Estuary 2.0. The Harbor Phyto Myco Micro Moss Mollusk Program. Beneficial Ice balls.  ©2015 Photo by dd maucher. The ice balls melt leaving behind phyto, myco and micro nutrients that also pull or eat toxins.

I placed a few. Gil placed a few and we placed more with Nadette on the Peace Bike Ride event Sunday.

Molecule, the water store in my building, offered to make a pure water ice ball. That is yet to be placed. It will probably go in t tree pit outside.

#6 Ieft at Green Map by mistake after our town Hall.> Wendy brought it by La Plaza Tuesday during the Iranian fire jumping ceremony ritual..  Jess, Chana and I placed it North East Corner of garden.

* Utopia Defrostng” is the working title of research and interviews I conducted with Mr. Simon who founded my home town of Reston Va.



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