MoS at City of Water Day! NYC

We are not teaching Sustainability.

We are teaching Succession.


Kids helped us make Mud balls with activated beneficial microbes: They clean the water! We need to make 8 million mud balls!  Visitors signed up on the mailing list to be a part of the “1 million Apologies to Mother Earth” EM Mud Ball event.
Maybe we can get One pre New Yorker – 8 million?  Or a gazzzilion and clean up the water all around NYC.

Nature heals nature: One activated EM mud ball will clean up one cubic meter of polluted water!   How many do we need for your local pond or stream or river?

Formulas and recipes offered to clean the Hudson Valley WATERSHED !

  • Visitors came by for a refreshing Spritz of a body mist:
    People we’re coming back for more and sending their friends!   Refreshing water, with beneficial microbes and essential oils. Great for skin and cooling on a hot day.
  • People learned how easy it is to make effective natural house hold cleaners. A few DIY House Cleaning formulas:  Feel good, clean you, clean the house, and clean the water without cleaning your wallet. Tilex is poison and it stinks. I know a house cleaning person Columbian/American who had to stop using it b.c she was getting a bloody nose often.  She knows that natural products work but she uses what her clients buy at the grocery store and it’s making her sick.  The natural products are more expensive at the store.  Brands, marketing and advertising. We consumers believe anything and why not? (even what I am writing)   When we add EM we are adding beneficial microbes. They are successive, nature is healing nature.     Google : natural cleaning recipes.
  • All-Purpose cleaner: Wash good microbes down the drain!   We prefer to make natural product formulas that don’t make fish or people sick inside the house or in our waters. Though I use what I have time for and if 409 is there I will use it- while holding my breath and squinting my eyes.
    Mix 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/4 cup baking soda (or 2 teaspoons borax) into 1/2 gallon (2 liters) water. Store and keep. Use for removal of water deposit stains on shower stall panels, bathroom chrome fixtures, windows, bathroom mirrors, etc.
  • Laundry soap: Clean your clothes and send healthy water back into the environment.
    Homemade powder soap required only 3 simple ingredients & took only minutes to create:
    1 cup vinegar
    1 cup washing soda
    ¼ cup liquid castile soap
    Mix and store in airtight container. The easiest way to start is to pour the liquid soap into the bowl first, while stirring in the washing soda, then baking soda, then add the vinegar in small batches at a time. (The recipe will foam up at first). The mixture will be a thick gooey paste at first but will eventually break down into a heavy powdered detergent. Just keep stirring. Break down the lumps  and clumps.
    Add a few drops of lavender or your favorite organic essential oil for pleasing results. I like to use rosemary and lemon.
    Use ½ cup per full load.  I also keep some essential oil scented water in a spritzer bottle for ironing. It’s lovely! Note: Washing Soda and Borax can normally be found in the laundry and cleaning aisles. You can make huge pails of this at once, or smaller quantities. Also if you can get your hands on a few empty liquid laundry detergent bottles they work great for storing the detergent. Just make a big batch and pour in bottles, cap then use as needed–shake before use.
  • Laundry with an effective Booster: Make  your laundry better + Send better water back into the watershed! Pour some Activated Microbes in.
  • Glass Cleaner: it’s just vinegar and water!

I would like communities to use Effective Microorganisms and natural homemade products. “They should stop dumping kitchen waste but compost it using Activated Effective microbes, then pour the liquid that is produced into drains and rivers,” says Abdullah Ismail, director of Jamof, the licensed retailer of EM in Malaysia. He says this EM-enriched solution will help keep drains, sewers and streams clean.

Natural Bubbles:
We were bubbling non-chemical bubbles and spreading activated microorganisms!

Several brave souls  had a hair trim and donated their lovely lochs to sopping up oil in the Gulf.   www.Matterof Trust. org is collecting hair.

Oyster Shell Messages:
We are sending your messages down into the harbor on local oyster shells for the oyster beds that will attract oysters back to the river.

“A single oyster can filter 50 gallons of water a day, removing pollution, plankton and algae”, experts say.

What water ares would you liked cleaned?

News Link:  Oyster Project halted by FDA in Fishkill

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