5/24: The Spring MudBall Ball

Sunday 3pm-7pm  Adventure with the Masters of Succession as we all create an Ephemeral Piazza and magnificent Mud Ball at this paradise garden.  The Beneficial MudBall Beneficial Mud Ball is a yearly event – a Garden Celebration of Bioremediation & Symbiosis.  An all age, all people serendipity experimental evolving project to behold!

Next pre-Ball   Click for 6 Meet & Eats Details      Share MudBall Ball short link: http://wp.me/p2bm5T-3fn


A Benefit and a Participatory Celebration.  Be a sponsor, add a raffle prize, & fancy-pants local goods.  List of Participants as of 5/21/15

– grow our outreach of bioremediation educational tools like mud ball,  seed ball, myco & ice ball. The Harbor Phyto, Myco, Micro, Moss & Molluck Program and citizen science collaborations.The Hpmmm (p. is silent). We have a really cool shopping list.. help us fill it out.

build the empathic biophilic Ephemeral Village Piazza. An experience with mud villagers, inherently masters of succession. Support experiments toward an abundant local resilient agropolis.


WHAT is The MudBall Ball & Ephemeral Piazza?:
This Ephemeral Piazza will emerge and leave behind a better trace.

Our effort is to create a bio based village center which is a home for The Mud Ball. Our mission it to make a active village that leaves-a-better-trace by designing better systems.  Humans are not a detriment to our survival but an asset to each other, the earth and our evolving future. Our intention is to create by-products of betterment. 

There will be a potluck, live music, dancing, squishing fruit, stomping on clay, balling of mud, mixing goo, crushing shells, Q/A, a finale PROCESSION to toss oyster shells into the EAST RIVER.

OBSERVE: bioremediation of air, water, soil and self are the by-products of our activities.

OPEN CALL: This village wants many participants.  Spring Mud Ball Activities . Join a growing population. If you miss being in this one there is a Fall Ball. Mailing list.

“Beneficial succession” for the Piazza. Ecological solutions toward the spiraling betterment. With slight design changes we can have it all. At the ball we leave the products and by-products of beneficial succession of healthier air, water, soil and self.

AP’s will gift to other AP’s for our added abundance, everyone. Sumptuous what-nots, we can help you ideate. We use energy exchanges when possible.

If you want to participate in any other way, either way, contact us. A village needs everyone! :)


COME AS PARTICIPANT.  RSVP with dd. Your presence is requested and your participation is gratefully accepted. (click to see participant list) If you have questions and want to help in planning come to the pre-ball series: 
May Meets & Eats
5/7, 5/12, 5/18, 5/22, 5/23! Click for Details.

It is a Sunday of punctilious ballyhoo. Join the activities like stockpiling EM-1 mud balls to revitalize waterways, mycor-meteorites, crushing oyster shells for soil, and rolling seed balls to bring back biodiversity, stomping mud for a cob oven, – all for their by-products as well as their products. It is a place where waste becomes a resource, not an addition to our growing garbage. Come check it out – it is amazzzing!

A story will unfold.

GETTING THERE: solo transport, group bike
Mud Village Transit: Will you need a lift? Bringing lots of gifts with you? Reserve a lift. Curtsey of Gregg, of Revolution Rickshaws.

MoSCollective.net Spring MudBall Ball 15 BioBike RIdeGroup Bike BioRide!  With Gil from Smiling Hogshead Ranch and Damon from NomadCycle & Jeanne from Bicycle Utopia.  12:30 meet at Smiling Hogshead Ranch: 25-30 Skillman Ave, LIC Queens. To rendezvous somewhere else RSVP for logistics. A mind expanding bio blitz around the New Town Creek. Then harvest some nice bike skeletons for making bike-seat-stools at the piazza. Arrive at El Jardin Del Paraiso (4th/5th St & Ave C and D) just in time for the 2015 Ephemeral Piazza & Spring MudBall Beneficial Ball! There is also on FACEBOOK.com/moscollective

One Response to “5/24: The Spring MudBall Ball”

  1. 1
    May Series: Meet & Eats About The Mudball Ball | The Masters Of Succession Collective (ALERT! site maint ):

    […] Dee Dee & many masters of succession El Jardin Del Paraiso. 5th & 4th btwn C & D Ave. RSVP TIX on Invite […]