[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]EM-1 Bokashi MUD BALLs
Bokashi means fermented organic matter in Japanese.
The balls, like dumplings, sink the fermented EM-1 to the bottom to remediate the water & sediment of the waterway or waterbody.
The EM-1 contains water, molasses, lacto bacillus, yeast & phototrophic microorganisms. These are food based dominant microbes; not found together but they get along. They attract the local biome of followers and do what can not be done individually.
Effective Microorganisms (EM)
- EM-1 Mud Balls information
- EM-1 MUDBALLS – Detailed
- Contact us for help. We may be available to help with your workshop.
Recipe by Shig Matsukawa, design by MoS Collective.
EM-1 mud balls
One as gift, souvenir, sample: $10 to $30 donation.
- Buy one $10 donation
- 3 for $25
- Contact us if you want more! Discuss your project, environmental, educational or social.
Bokashi Fermented Starter:
- 1 pound: $15
share page: http://moscollective.net/WP/beneficial-mud-balls/beneficial-mud-balls-recipe/