What is the Town of MôS, Mud Village and an Ephemeral Piazza?
“Imagine one town filled with people who all want to create beneficial succession as a by-product of their actions. What a lovely day that would be!” – dd
The Town of MôS, is a boom-town with in the city of New York. It is comprised of many sustainable communities or “villages”. Each community has a complete series of initiatives provoking whole systems living from, literally, the ground up. There are many like minded “villages” across the city emerging.
The boom-town that MoS is building has no land and yet our town is growing. MôS town is just a word used to refer to this idea of a container. There is no such town. We connect over wifi, train tracks and bike paths. Slowly we are expanding into spaces in between. We hope to do more with the other Villages of Beneficial Succession in the town of MoS with in the city of New York. We also are reaching out to the bioregion for connections via the waterway, trains, bikes and expeditious personal transport in the making. This is playful yet we build real life relationships and beneficial economic symbiotic transactions. MoS town grows naturally and effortlessly founded on it’s design.
Micro Villages, Hamlets
MôS Town offers an experimental container for which people may grow their villages in several 2-5 person working groups that make up their larger village system. All this connected natural system activity slowly converts large cities in to healthier living places; creating nourishing biophilic homes for all citizens. To be a successful town we stay connected energetically, structurally, virtually and physically.
Energy, Inter-connectivity, Resilience
What defines this town is not the location; it is the people–their energy, experience and activities. MôS Towns are slowly created as villagers build them — worldwide. We are interconnected and we have resilience.
In MôS Towns people focus on their individual paths. We are supported by others in the villages and towns. We seek to give people our waste and receive other people’s excesses to build what we create through a beneficial supply chain. We aim to use the by-products of others to make what we want instead of buying resources. We use energy as an ally, not a force against which to push. MôS Towns are made of energy not infrastructure.
Villages Leaders
Each project leader essentially hosts their “village” inside “the town” in our big city. When we bring leaders together we reduce redundancies while building a larger, more diverse town.
Mud Villages
MôS Town has many villages. These are the places to make the MudBalls and other lifestyles of bioremediation. Each village has an Ephemeral Piazza or village square. Mud Villages embrace the ideals of whole system planning – permaculture and beyond sustainable regenerative systems.
The Ephemeral Piazza
The Ephemeral Piazza, EP, is a fun experimental real life, face-to-face happening. The EP happens any place where town people can meet each other. It is at the piazza, plaza, center, square where we connect. This where “we are who we are” and “we are what we do”. We build relationships and leverage each others resources in collaboration. Each Piazza activity aims to utilize a resource (waste or product) from another activity or a natural resource in the village and village center. The piazza is a temporary pop up space functioning as the village’s center for shopping, daily errands, cafes and play for kids. It is a public space, and it needs everyone. The more people the more resources and the more products and services that meet our needs. There is free admission and no one is not invited.
There are Activity Participants, participants and people passing through. We aim to build an oven with sand, clay and straw at all piazzas that have these free natural resources. The piazzas and their pizza ovens transforms community gardens in to villages.
Help develop MôS Town with us.
Start by:
• Request participation. Contact
• Get mapped , add to the map.. add others in your village to the map.
• Do your thing.
Co-create a Currency
A currency used for the Ephemeral Piazza
MôS Apprenticeship
Apprentices learn more about what we do. We are flexible with the agreement, with 10 hours/week up to a full-time. Be what you want to be—not what you have to be—and connect with the incredibly talented people in our community. Let us know what you want to build!MoS
Caspar Hanak. MoS Mohgul, before the Spring Mud Ball in the first Ephemeral Piazza at El Jardin Del Paraiso by Todd Colburn