The MudBall Ball: Celebration of Bioremediation & Symbiosis

The Masters of Succession Collective presents

The Beneficial Mudball Beneficial Ball
A Celebration of Bioremediation & Symbiosis

We want to come to your neighborhood village green for a Ball so we wil20140627-125941.jpgl help you.

At the Mudball Ball, a community garden will turn into Mud Village for one afternoon. It is a Bioremediation Participation Celebration, a space to create lifestyles of bioremediation of which have a by-product of human well-being.

You are invited to adventure with the Masters of Succession into one of Mud Village’s Ephemeral Piazzas—the social, merchant center of the village. The village is off-the-grid and uses locally sourced food and goods as much as possible. We will show some of our favorite things to do that helps create the by-product of healthy water, air and soil.

At a Mudball Ball, we put on ball gowns and dance in our mud boots. We eat oysters, make mud balls, sow seeds to the sounds of birds and live music. We also learn about the good microbes in the mud balls, learn about the toxins plants take-up whose seeds are in seed balls. We learn about mycoremediation with mushrooms, we crush oyster shells, stomp on cob to make bricks, eat raw oysters, dance in hula hoop mud ball gowns, and get a hair cut. We clean beaches, throw wild flower seed balls, bring back monarch butterflies, drink fermented refreshments, make and cook on a rocket stove, trench bokashi food waste, try delicious detox teas, jazz procession to the river to through spent shells and hang an oyster garden.

In all of this wild creative beingness we are leaving not no trace but a better trace.

• Caspar’s Video Overview

• Participant Submission Form for the next ball.

Each time participants will be placed in Mud Village next to the resource (by-product) that might be useful to their activity.  We hope to create a domino effect.

Past Mudball Ball Details:

• Go to Mudball Ball category 2. The Mudball Ball

• The last Mudball Ball thank-you post: 2015 Mudball Ball

  • Make seed balls for the coast—the seed balls plants pull
    toxins out of the soil and start a new biodynamic space
  • travel by bike
  • Eat raw oysters, save the shells to crush them for soil or toss them into the water to encourage the oyster repopulation
  • Make 1000 EM-1 mud balls to clean the water for the annual Figment throw
  • Trench fermented food waste for soil to grow more food
  • Plant sunflowers to pull toxins out of soil
  • Stomp on some cob to make a pizza oven, make a Rocket-stove and cook
  • Talk to biochemists, engineers and artists about bioremediating, about how to use effective microbes to clean instead of toxic cleaners
  • Self bioremediation (healing healthy cleansing) gather with East Village Wellness Circle.
  • Enjoy the Bio-beauty Salon & Spa of mud facial, yoga, hair trim and manicure. Your trimmings will be used to start mycoremediation with hair, nails and cotton.
  • Tossing our oyster shells into the wate

    Study the local flood zone map showing flooding and bioremediation projects and community gardens and target areas for new projects

  • Stay for Sunday concert and anti-fractails with radon testing toast.

View last Fall Mudball blog post and also check the participatory category on Blog

The Night Before Maker Party

We will help you make seed bombs, beneficial mud ball gowns, decorate umbrellas for the second line dance, paper or natural hats that have kale seeds in them to plant after use, umbrella dresses, bouncy bike hoop mini skirts and tube tops. Bring 3 hula hoops, two 4 yds length of very light fabric for your mud ball gown or pick up a gown at a flea market.

The Stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls at Figment Project.

Figment Project

All the projects presented at the Mudball Ball can also be part of MoS Town At Figment Project every June. The balls we make at The Mud Ball are for the “The Stockpile Of Beneficial Mud Balls” at Figment. It is a fun and educational throwing. We are usually next to Castle William by the water.

Watch videos and photos of previous balls.

Past and present Mud Village Ephemeral Piazza supporters 2014-2015

El Jardin Del Paraiso | Recycle and Pray | Gaia Institute |  MoRUS • Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space | Times-Up | Shig Empathic World & 12th St Bokashi | Garbage of Eden | Smiling HogsHead Ranch | | Green Map | Figment Project | Italo’s BK | Acupuncture Mobile Services | Coifeur Hair Salon | Arxis League | La Corsa Vineyard in Tuscany | NomadCycle | Bicycle Utopia | Peace Museum NY | Peace Now Dept | Imani Garden | Beyond Organic Design | Miki Katagiri Millinery | Lisa Shaub Millinery  | Kar Line Millinery | Public Space Party | JC’s Pedie Cab Services | 596 Acres | Hells Kitchen Commons | 44/45th St Playground | HaborLab | Susty Q |  Pheonix Botanicals | Organic Soul Cafe & 6th St CSA | Community Carting and Composting | Earthdance Retreat Center (Plainfield, MA) | Cargo Bike Collective | LUNGs • Loisaida United Neighborhood Gardens | NYC Community Garden Coalition | Green Haiti | Burning Down the House Radio • Heritage Radio Network | Green Phoenix Permaculture | NY Permaculture Meetup | Flux Factory | Jimmy’s 43 |  More Gardens | 6th St Community Center | Earthdance Creative Living |  The Brooklyn College Sustainability for Today & Tomorrow | 4th St Arts Block | Zum Schnieder | Bob White’s Restaurant | Davy’s Ice Cream | Molecule | Vokashi | Loisaida festival | Pura Vida Seafood | Eco-challenge

Thank-you: JK Canepa, Marie Argeris, Stephanie Huffaker, Chana Widawski, DD Maucher, Uma Lo, Kar Line, Wendy Brawer, Sonja Pena, Wendy Zena Henry, Rachel Kaplan, Dena Rutherfurd, Nadette Stassa, Paul Mankiewicz, Gil Lopez, Casper Hanak, Bill DiPaolo, Italo Morelli, Pamela Morelli, Shig Matsukawa, Rolando Politi, Amelia, Greg Todd, Laura Razzano, Kevin N, JC Augustin, Benjamin Shepard, Charles Krezell, Todd Colburn, Angelo Zaharatos, Marta Gaia, Anne Apparu, Edward Hall,  Wenting Chen, Ann Lee, Stephen, Brigit, Lisa Shaub, Miki Katagiri,  Joanne Russo, Derek, Damon Strub, Jeanne, Anandi Premlalli, Annabelle Meunier, Stephen Kelly, Stephen Arthur, Steven Prestianni, Jenni Plewka, Paula Segal, Erik Baard, EG, Shirley Chai, Cecelia, Helen Zuman. Helen Dan, Monica Ibacache, Rachel, Vandra Thorburn, Dina C, Ed Hush, Oliver, Jaime Idea, Jimmy Simopoulos, Joan beard, Howard, Annette, John Wagner, Sarah Ferguson, Ki Ki Saint-vil, Aresh, Kate, Elizabeth Onorato, Sharron Kimmelman, Maureen, Ottilie Keppler, Nick Normal, Benardo, Valerie Green, CB W, Todd Isler, Dave Phelps, Megan McComb, Megan McGee, Jhon Gonzalez, Marta Gaia Time, Claire Costello, Adam Horwitch, Scott Rigby, Eric Carlson, Ann Basson, Frances Anderson, Barbara Augsburger, Lolo Haha, Erik Mc Gregor, Kim Fraczek , Zeroboy, Betty T. Kao, Kevin Slesinsky, David Barish, Cj Holm, Stewart Cauley, Marina Grigoryeva, Sterling Barrett, Pete Shapiro, Marion Kass, Trisha McLaughlin, Ivan Lerner …


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