4/09/17 Apr. 9 Wellness Circle (Second Sundays)
4/09 Sunday East Village Wellness Circle: a mutual aid offer and/or receive gathering.
WHEN: Monthly 2nd Sunday
TIME: 2 pm – 5pm
WHERE: El Jardin Del Paraiso: next to 309 E 4th St
Free, open to the public
Join us for the monthly (2nd Sunday)
Wellness Circle Of the East Village
OutSide! This month roll on essential oils!
– make roll-ons together
– go over acupressure points with Wendy
– take home a special herb of the month from all of us
– enjoy hot nettle tea by Marie
– Seed sharing
– Open space: offer and or receive
The open space time around 3:30 to 5 is always slightly different depending on who shows up. We have had wellness activities, healing, mutual aid for an enjoyable fun gathering. We all bring our myriad of skills for a mutual give and receive.
Last Months Indoors
Jan/Feb/Mar. were inside. We made allergy tincture, coconut salt scrub, and elderberry syrup. We had hot tea and dishes people brought. We had an open space where people offered and received acupuncture, acupressure, I ching readings, and seeds to give away. We had elders, parents, kids, a toddler and puppy. There were several skilled neighborhood certified practitioners sharing their wellness modalities.
A mug, a spork to consume edibles. Welcome to bring snacks to share. Bring a throw with plastic bottom, your yoga mat, instrument, art stuff, sacred object, food, drink. Organic Non GMO if possible.
Most of all just bring yourself!
Hope to see you!
Everyone at the Wellness Circle of the East Village
Mailing List: Wellness Circles
Thank you!
Thank you to all participants volunteering their time and energy. Thank you to the practitioners for their value and local wellness knowledge. Thank you El Jardin Del Paraiso gardeners. Thank you Citizen’s Committee for supporting part of our expenses this year’s wellness circle. Our Fiscal Sponsor this year is “Serving Those Who Serve”.
Wellness Circles
We are community garden based on-going gatherings, open to all, to enjoy connecting to earth, each other and ourselves. One can sit back and receive or offer to share one’s knowledge and skills.
We are encouraging the use of community gardens as hubs for staying well and healing for neighborhood abundance.
More About Wellness Circle of the East Village
More Circles in more Gardens
We encourage more wellness circles based in community gardens, parks and public spaces. Then we connect into to a joyful mindful circle once a year. If you have a circle let’s connect. If not we can help you start one ;0)
Want to collaborate with us?
We are a group called the East Village Wellness Circle based in community gardens. We seek partnerships and collaborators to get the word out about the Wellness Circles. We want to build village health rooted in community gardens and helping all of us keep well. We seek organizations interested in bringing this circle as a lifestyle to more people. This summer when we have lots of space outside.
EVWC Launch May 21, 2017! 3-7 El Jardin Del Paraiso
2:30-3:30 “Barn Raising”: every one is needed at 3 or earlier. People often stay late to 10pm for music and summer social lounging.