Beneficial Mud Balls: Recipe

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]EM-1 Bokashi MUD BALLs

Bokashi means fermented organic matter in Japanese.

The balls, like dumplings, sink the fermented EM-1 to the bottom to remediate the water & sediment of the waterway or waterbody.

The EM-1 contains water, molasses, lacto bacillus, yeast & phototrophic microorganisms. These are food based dominant microbes; not found together but they get along. They attract the local biome of followers and do what can not be done individually.

Effective Microorganisms (EM)

by MoS Collective and Shig

Recipe by Shig Matsukawa, design by MoS Collective.


EM-1 mud balls

One as gift, souvenir, sample: $10 to $30 donation.

  • Buy one $10 donation
  • 3 for $25
  • Contact us if you want more! Discuss your project, environmental, educational or social.

Bokashi Fermented Starter

  •  1 pound:  $15 

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