MoS is a design science, a practice of a whole systems way of thinking, living. A Lifestyle of Beneficial Succession (LoBS) is a lifestyle in which we create an abundant today and exponentially abundant future generations.
Currently most lifestyles, as much as we try, still cause degradation and detrimental succession of the natural world.
However, through our good choices the natural world will not be abused any longer. Nature can continue to care for us. It will even help us thrive while we improve life for all living things in the earth’s system. We’ve yet to see this LoBS played out in our lifetime on a large contemporary scale — this is our earnest stance to vow to do this together.
After millions of years human toxic outputs the earth can not handle the weight of our torture of it any longer. All parts of the natural system are fighting back.
We are reminded of the transition millions of yrs ago of a co2 based earth to one of both oxygen and co2. The microorganisms figured it out. They were being choked by the co2 and invented oxygen. (You can fact check this. I read it in Earthdance: living systems in evolution).
We meet again a unified global problem. We know we need to stop polluting while we redesign the way we live.
We can do this by scaling back to live more simply with less stuff. The economy wot like this but ppl can shift work to regenerative practice that we are innovating. Investors need to see this and support it. They need to be educated that the new LoBS are indeed what people will buy.
We create waste that is useful, by designing from a supply chain that creates only beneficial waste and products that are part of a beneficial waste stream.
We know to create new products, services and use renewable resources.
We know the problems. We know the solutions. We are deep into the detrimental economy. How can we help restore the environment? It’s easy. Everything we do creates a regenerative waste stream. We must reinvent from the bottom up. .
MoS innovates solutions for us — for our daily life routines and patterns. We empower individuals to embody their strengths and help people find their spot in this new economic system. What are your LoBS innovations?
This does not include recycling. For upcyclers this is included. Recycling creates more waste to recycle again. It’s prolonging the problem.
What can we do to live a healthier life that also supports the living systems on which we rely?
MoS Collective likes to stay local, research, innovate, teach, connect locally and bioregionally. We can redesign everything we do as inventors, explorers, innovators of products and services. We can create lifestyles that offer users regenerative systems inputs and outputs. No more garbage toxic guilt in our network, only very healthy outputs.
Good design. It’s easier And only possible with connections and like minded community. symbiotic relationships — all united as one goal, one mind, one village. Many Mini MoBS make the Village And many villages make the Monster LoBS MoBS.
Are you already a MoS MoBSter? Become a member, observe, learn, teach, innovate.
To be a Masters of Succession designer you can observe, research, innovate, instigate, experiment, make mistakes.
Hold space for bioremediation experiences & whole systems as small community based “Ephemeral Piazzas”.
(Bioremediation means to remediate with biology — ecological restoration.)
The Ephemeral Piazza
Many mini MoBS (affinity groups, friends or connected resources waste streams) make the Village.
The MoS Ephemeral Piazza’s are a connective web of energy exchanges that improve water, air, soil and selves. Every participant has an important part in the workings of the village. They do whatever they want if it makes water, air, soil and selves better.
We’re all about bioremediation, restoration, regeneration, rewilding as a way of life.
Make Your Own Ephemeral Piazza (EP)
Like us, you can host a village piazza too. It takes about 40 people to make some fun connections. Invite more for even more connectivity. Then invite lots of guests —so the town is full of participants strolling through, stopping to engage, exchanging ideas, energy and products, wastes and resources.
We have had have village participation of good soil, seeds, hula hoop seed spreaders, seed balls, mud balls, mud ball amulets, backyard natural Lenape clay, make a cob oven then cooking pizza in the cob oven, hair cuts, mushrooms growing, mycelium jewelry, natural dyes, walnut ink, blueberry paint, food & drinks kombucha and SCOBY skin products, pepper spray mask of plastic bottles, tincture making from garden herbs, herb salts, herb teas, bundles dying, acupuncture, body work & yoga, African music, sound bath, compostable plantable kale hats, on and on.
What’s your LoBS idea?
MoS Collective offers: Permaculture designed living spaces • kayak trips down the Hudson River • Spring puppet parades • Fall harvests • equinox plantings • beach rides • wellness circles • tea ceremonies • a zine of art • eating insects • botanical body products • permi design card game • unlimited decadence that also cleans water, air, soil and self.
Lifestyles of Beneficial Succession, Bioremediation & Symbiosis
With more villagers online and face to face meetings we have more services and products within our village.
Bring your passion product or services and start to build with all of us.
Join, donate, partner on our page! Gifts included!
Lifestyles of Beneficial Succession
