The MudBall Ball: INVITE & Ways to Participate

June 1, 2014 is The 3rd MudBall Ball!
Adventures With The Masters Of Succession
A Bioremediation Participatory Teach-in Celebration
Sunday, June 1 at a beautiful bioremediated (naturally cleaned) paradise garden in the East Village NYC. EL Jardin Del Paraiso, Between 5th And 4th St Between Ave C and Ave D, 3-7 pm.
The MoS Collective’s MudBall Ball is like a maker fair, garden party.

The garden and public space will become a village of serendipities and punctilious ballyhoo while we make mud balls (for river), crush oyster shells (soil), stomp mud for a cob oven (pizza), eat raw oysters (yum), quench with probiotic ferments kombucha and Shig’s Fizz (balance PH). dance in hula hoop mud ball gowns, get a hair cut (mycoremediate), throw seed balls (phytoremediate), get herbal treatment (pull toxins), ear acupuncture, take a yoga moment (cellular renewal), learn delicious detox teas, jazz procession to the river, throw spent shells/ hang an oyster garden (clean water). Musical ambiance all afternoon and more!

Project Submission Form
Submit your ideas by May 4th. There is a spot for you at The MudBall Ball.

To learn more about THE BALL go to The MudBall Ball page or scroll down.


Ways to participate: offer activity, help a presenter, bring a dish, contribute to expenses
• Join the Mud Brains think tank for The Ball:

• Be in It: Participants Fill out the Submission Form. Due May 15

Limited space. Participate by donating. $10, bring a dish or volunteer. We might have a GMO and non GMO table and both are welcome!

• Host The Giant Mud Ball:
A brown paper mache ball that travels around. With the ball comes flyers & submission forms and invites.. Contact us page.

• BE a Sponsor:
Contact us page.

• BE a Thumbs-upper:
Contact us page. Free. We encourage like-minded groups to meet with us and participate or just be on the side of bioremediation with us.

We encourage you to join us at Figment June 7/8. Due 4/30  Ask to be near MoS  “The Stockpile of Mud Balls”.

ABOUT The Ball:

The MudBall Ball with The Masters of Succession observes the more we take care of our earth the better our quality of life. Using a fusion of new technologies and old forgotten ways.  We aim to create clean water, air and soil as a by-product of everything we do.  We aim to empower our neighbors to have amazing abundance for very little effort and cost. We are making systems in which we give back beneficial by-products by making activities that do heal our water, air and soil and selves. It is fun, connecting and self empowering.

We are designing a whole systems’ interconnected space, like a village center. The Ball location is a garden paradise which is over a constructed biogeochemical cap on an urban block which formerly stored trucks and fuel.

Now with smarter technology and learning we can restore ourselves, our food, and our environment.

Sunday, June 1st is our opportunity to be creative, use our smarts, to redesign a simple part of life, to make better way of doing something. The result creates the by-product of an empathic world.

Let us make an experience that will open our eyes, give us options and choices. We do not have to live in polluted environments and we do not have to eat toxic food or use expensive toxic cleaners and slather chemical body lotion on our skin. We have easy replacements.

Bring your skills and your fun ideas to a brainstorming session.

Activity Submission Form
submit or email your bright idea, there is a place for you at The Mud Ball!

DD will call you back to brainstorm a place for you.

Contact us page!


2 Responses to “The MudBall Ball: INVITE & Ways to Participate”

  1. 1

    I would like to teach folks how to propagate mycelium for mycoremediation. I hope to demonstrate two ways of expanding mushroom mycelium and will demo fungi growing on what some would consider waste products, including coffee grinds. I could probably use some help figuring out how to make this a participatory art project so I can submit the idea to Figment.

  2. 2

    Hi Gil, We will have submission forms ready Wednesday I hope. I will send you one! – dd