Until 10/30 Grace “Microbes to Metropolis”

Microbes to Metropolis posterLast month to experience the journey from Microbes to Metropolis. Coming down Oct 31. 2020.

Who do you want to be in the place you want to see?  Join us to doodle and play in this future wonderland.
Outside of Grace on
The Plaza of the Wind
We’re hosting Wed, Thurs, Fri.
5-8 pm 
182 Ave C, NY NY 10009

“Microbes to Metropolis” is a fantastical exploration that imagines symbiotic bioremediation of self and earth as a way of life. It’s to replace our spiraling downward detrimental systems. We’re starting over again with microbes then reimagining how our societal & ecological systems, patterns & practices can be regenerative. We call this practice “lifestyles of beneficial succession”, LoBS.

Brought to you by MoS MoBS LoBS Labs: currently we have a real and ephemeral plaza for the villager MoBSters to meet, to share creations toward a spiral of exponential serendipities.

Detailed schedule at MoS “Next Up” page.

Elizabeth Detjens Maucher, aka Dee Dee.
Artist in Residence at Grace-Exhibition-Space.com
Until Oct 31, 2020
Founder Masters of Succession
MoScollective.net since 2010

Join us! & join East Village Wellness Circle Permalink: http://moscollective.net/WP/until-10-30-grace-micro-metro/

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