updated 2024 July 23.  Permalink:

Winter updating web site.
We are looking forward to Spring! Making plans that will ripple out in many directions to be of benefit to a greater community & watershed. 

We have cast out our networking net. Let us know if you want to join us in creating, offering, exposing lifestyles of bioremediation & symbiosis. Do you enjoy spinning regenerative spirals, activities that as a by product don’t extract or cause harm to us, relationship of each other and in nature. What we do creates the beneficial succession of air, water,  soil and selves. Contact us in some words in English preferred. We will have a conversation.  We will hopefully catalyze creative processes.  We will connect you to the Ephemeral Piazza.

 We’d love to hear from anyone around the world. We are connected internationally. We invite you to tell us more about your practices, ideas, perspectives.  Let’s make great things happen together.


April 22-27  partnering with Saugerties Earth Day Week. Going up the Hudson River watershed again to this village on the Hudson River on the Esopus creek. This creek passes through the Ashokan reservoir – nyc’s drinking water the continues North to the Hudson River.

Make you way to Saugerties for Earth Science activities, ideas, inspiration and most importantly networking and collaboration.  Learn about MoS Living LoBS.
Contact MoS to add joyous serendipities.


9/12/34 onward: from Tina Chavez Park: 61 East Bridge St. Saugerties, NY. Walk most left/West on the promenade where one can view the growing decaying Esopus Seal Floating Bioremediating Sculpture made from Living LoBS. It’s on the East tip of the sand bar island raining and falling with the tide.

9/10-12, 2024

A Microbial Banquet & Floating Bioremediating Sculpture (FBS) by MoS Collective & DD Maucher

Tuesday, Sept 10, 2024 Rondout Valley Permaculture Meet Up & put elements together on the raft for the Floating Bioremediating Sculpture.

Wednesday, Sept 11, 2024 Wandering Wednesday Potluck.  Watch or participate in the Myco Hair Boom build for the Floating Bioremediating Sculpture.

Thursday, Sept 12, 2024 opening reception & The Great Launch Party for the Floating Bioremediating Sculpture.


5:00 -7:30 pm

Arm of the Sea’s new waterfront Tidewater Center

61 E. Bridge St, Saugerties, NY 12477

Drive into parking lot down through the gate and park. Walk around to the backside of the tent.

July -Nov 2024 Hudson Valley Artist in Residence 

July-Nov  2024 MoS Collective is at Arm of the Sea’s ( Tidewater Center expanding our Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis (LivingLoBS). Please ! Connect with us In HV message here. That’s the hole point we have to have a very robust local network of likeminded so this works. Generally permaculture, ecosystem restoration, artists working through a in bio/eco lens /perspective.

We are conducting testing seeking scientists to take data (or we’ll make our observations). A healthier estuary as a by product of our lifestyles. Is this even possible?  We’re going to try. We are going through the phases of the Microbes to MetropolisTM pedagogy by way of the first chronicle, Hpmmmmm series (p is silent). In September, we’ll have a culmination of our accumulations in the form of a Floating Bioremediating Sculpture (FBS), a biomimicry effort to float a natural super charged mini eco system to restore abundance.

2024 Urban Soil Institute is testing on Governors Island at Swale house.

2023 Urban Soil Institute on Governors Island. Testing efficacy of water restoring sculpture techniques.  Apply to participate as lab experiment scientist!

2023-06 participation in Sally Beauty’s  Endangered Species parade on Governors Island. the Lady Alien Bee might launch for this event. Possibly leave her anchored out to watch dissolve.

2023: 4/21 Earthday: Spring Awakening. Mudballs with JK Canepa.

2023-03 to 06: el Jardin Del Paraiso freshening up last years FBS that didn’t launch. She’s now completely happy in the pollinator woodland. 5Th St /Ave C & D.

2022 Nov. 16 & 17 Urban Soil Institute Symposium and Art Show, Governor’s Island, LMCC Art Center Gallery, first building East of ferry. Sign up at

2022 Nov. 9: PANEL zoom. DD Maucher presents Lifestyles of Beneficial SuccessionTM: LoBS, the Hpmmmmm series: Harbor Phyto Myco Micro Moss Mollusk & MeTM, a biotech series which is incorporated into the FBS: Floating Bioremediating SculptureTM. Help us make this a movement to revitalize water ways in a massive 3,333 artists, makers, bio-scientists, bio-engineers.  Zoom: sign up on Eventbrite with

(2022 Feb 22 Ecological City & MoS Introduction to invite participants for MoS Living LoBS to create FBSs Floating Bioremediating Sculptures via lifestyle serendipities. (DD Maucher (mow-ker) re MoS starts 17:44-31:00 & Felicia re: Sculpture 107:40-108:14)

Nov 11, 2021. Ecological City you tube talk in zoom presentations (54m:30 sec. – 103m:15sec)

2022 Oct 30: Beneficial Mud Balls for Girl Scouts. Also herbal medicine with Dr Noreen Kelly @ La Plaza Cultural. Private event.

2022 September /October/November: DD Maucher MoS Residency at Urban Soil Institute at Swale house, 11, Governor’s Island. Open on weekends.

2022 June on-going. View the Alien Bee, the bee from the outer orbits. It is a not-Floating Bioremediating Sculpture (FBS)  installed at El Jardin Del Paraiso Community Garden, in the Woodland Predictor & Prey  Pollinator area between 4th/5th Streets between Ave C & D. Closer to 5th St.

you tube clip of launch mini FBS.

2022 June-September. Living LoBS Bioremediation Art on display at Theater of the New City. First Ave/10th St, NYC. Mud Balls, the miniature FBS: Floating Bioremediating Sculpture, which is left behind,  the finale of The Ecological City 2020 zoom event.

June -ongoing 2022: DD Maucher, joins JC Calderon Architecture & HV AIA to bring Living LoBSTM & healthy biomaterials into  building regenerative exponential abundance lifestyles in the Hudson Valley.

2022 May – onward Arm of the Sea Ecological Puppet Theater. DD Maucher performs “Dirt: the Secrets of Soil”. Five star puppet musical! AOTS is celebrating its 40th yr. The start up funding grew out of the Clearwater organization previously run by the late Pete & Toshi Seeger. Check schedule:

The Tidewater Center, Saugerties, is the new home for Arm of the Sea. It is a place for community, arts, wellness and all things that restore air, soil, water, and selves for 100% of life. Join the many supporters & sponsors  donate to the building of this center. The waterfront property was donated by the Clearwater Org. 

2022 May 14 Floating Bioremediating SculptureTM: FBS launch

Finale of the Ecological City Pageant

East River Park at 6th St and the river at 4:30 pm.

We are living lifestyles of beneficial succession TM, “Living LoBS”, while harvesting resources for an ecosystem Floating Bioremediating SculptureTM: FBS, this is number 5.

To contribute your related estuary healthy excess contact us to drop off or add your elements this week! 5/7/22.  Always appreciate: dry or wet bladdewrack kelp, mussel shells, live oysters, phragmities stalks, green willow wisps, oyster mushrooms, 2 burlap tubes 4’ long x 1’ d. Dog fur waste from pet salon, earthen dye paints, medicinal plants, migratory seeds.

Full schedule:

2022 Feb 22 Ecological City Talk MoS  intro invite to participate with MoS Living LoBS to create FBSs Floating Bioremediating Sculptures via lifestyle serendipities (DD Maucher (mow-ker) re MoS starts 17:44-31:00 & Felicia re: Sculpture 107:40-108:14).  The more MôS crew we have the more fun. Lots of unrealized potential ideas so we really love participants to bring their own vision into lifestyles of bioremediation and symbiosis. LoBS. Living LoBS.

The Plaza of The Wind Offerings!

2021 9/25-10/1 OUTSIDE of Grace Performance Space, 182 Ave C, NY, NY 10009 Between 11th & 12th Sts and Ave C. Schedule to come. In partnership with Harvest Arts Festival Saturday 9/25 and Saturday 10/2 for the 8th MudBall Ball.


2021 10/2 Saturday 2-7pm The 8th Mud Ball Ball will take place! A bustling piazza of activity. People doing what they want to do in the place they want to see. We co-create reciprocal networks more easily because our waste is a healthy resource for others, our supply stream is also a waste stream or product of someone or the earth. We will procession to the river at 5pm to throw the bioremediating mudballs in the river.They sink to the bottom to do their work in the polluted muck.

Come with a healthy dish to show off our collective potential of bountiful yummy.  Bring or just be a “doing what you love” activity. Together we are like a big co-working space and Ephemeral Piazza for the day. Like the micro-organisms in EM-1, they aren’t found together but when combined they do together what can’t be done alone.

Free. Donations welcome to support the growing of this project.

2021 May Floating Bioremediating Sculpture launch for Ecological City Pageant. Prep, DD. Lily, 11, poem. 12 min. Turtle & Frog
(6:40 dd & Lily talking 9:40.) youtube link

2021 Ecological City Zoom intro & invite. 

2021 Jan.  Winter Fundraiser Donate here! Matching Funds have ended. Thank you for those that made donations!  We are almost to our goal. Help us complete the challenge. Support the microbes to metropolis lifestyle experiences.

2021 January Virtual Friday Mixers on the Test – Ephemeral Piazza: RSVP for the linkfree! Limited to 25 people. 5pm- 8pm online.

Donation cat qr

Past–October update here – blog post.

Phases 1-5 of Microbes to Metropolis On the Plaza of the Wind: 182 Ave C, NY NY outside of

October RSVP Wednesday 14, 4-6pm kids 9-12 ish potluck banquet with all ages tango tangles. RSVP only for Oct 21 and Oct 28.

October every Friday Story Circle with JK Canepa and DD. Asset Mapping Stories. 6pm -7pm

October every Thursday JC Augustin. “C talk“ talk show. 2pm-3pm DD’s data acquisitions. 3pm DD amending for self and soil.

October 10, part of  “Make America Indigenous Again” at Theresa Byrnes Gallery 9th St between B and C. 4pm opening.  MoSLAbs offers mud balls and 6:30 or 7pm we offer tango tangling. Physically distant social dancing with cordage.

We’re amending soil, water, air and selves toward the beneficial succession of a healthy metropolis.

October 17 5-8 with dd Activating imagination and doodling the future.  Who do you want to be in the place you want to see.
8pm Omer (of Cookie Tongue) Performance Art.

October 30,  202o Halloween Passeggiata. 5-8pm. Tours of the show.

A tradition to walk before dinner, to flirt, to watch, to dress sharp, to create serendipities and symbiosis.  Starting at Grace “plaza of the wind” and then joining others.

Oct 31,  Halloween

Ritual Microbes to Metropolis moves on from Grace.  Succeeding is Theresa Byrnes.  Several performances. Click here for more.

——— past——-

2020 Sept. LUNGS’ Harvest festival: Sat Sun 12-4pm.  


2020 Sept 19 MoS Labs Phase 4: Green Map:  Sustainable Communities Day with Green Map:  How Green Is You Neighborhood?

Phase four:  Asset Mapping relationships and place

2020 September 12 Loisiada Center’s annual Garbagia “Change“. MoS Labs is directing Act 3 “Ephemeral Piazza”. An extrapolation of the village economy evolution from Microbes to Metropolis. to zoom in to the show at 3pm.

Aug – Sept Loisaida Center’s annual arts puppet/costume workshops & show.  Directed by Rolando Politi.

Phase Three: The Ephemeral Piazza

August “Microbes to Metropolis” extended again to October 31. 2020!

2020 Aug. 1-10 Two Row Camp:  kayak walk bike down the Hudson River to the UN to honor indigenous rights and the environment.

2020 July-Aug MoS Labs Joins Sane Energy “Mud ball Mayhem.”  Bokashi mud ball teaching at the gardens along the proposed pipeline route. Stop North Bk Pipeline.

2020 June 27  MoS Labs Opening Out Side: with Wellness Offerings, Dream Journey & Doodle off. 1 hour tour of the exhibition. Round table & doodle sharing. Facebook Invite

2020 June 7: bokashi mud balls & plants at Grace. Gift away & Mud Love Cermony

Phase One: Incubation of restorative biology for self and the earth.

 April   Spring Calls for You. POST! ☀️


On-going Permaculture Lifestyles Of Bioremediation & Symbiosis Training: wellness & design systems.

A Wellness Circle:  Second Saturday or Sunday: 2-5pm in the East Village A give and or receive wellness gathering. Become a supporting member of The East Village Wellness Circles gatherings:

FB East Village Wellness Circle 

Instagram @evWellnessCircle

A Mud Ball Challenge:  Make beneficial EM-1 mud balls.  30k Mud balls? Or 3,333 floating Bioremediating Sculptures.

1. Host a 1000 Mud Ball making
2. Come to a workshop
3. We can help.

The Hmmmpm (p is silent) Program. The Harbor Phyto Mycro Mico Moss Mollusk and Me Series. The solution to remediation is a mixture of many biological systems at work to restore balance. 

 FB:  Mos Collective  (check Twitter & Instagram too

❤️ Past Events Below.


6/2019 Clearwater Festuval Seed Spreading Hula Hoop Skirts. Pollinators.

6/10 & 6/11 Rockaway Seed Spreaders for dune grasses.

7/13 EVWC with Kevin Nathaniel Hylton plus much more. 2nd Saturday at Campos Garden.

6/8 Sat. Campos Garden on 12th St. near C.


3/14 & 3/15 Water Bioremediation & Mud Ball training Parsons/ New School:  Participate Contact

4/4 Water Bioremediation & Mud Ball training /NYU Gallatin School. Class only.

4/14  Spring Awakening w East Village Wellness Circle Participation.  Participate Contact

4/14 Sun 1-4:30 Second Sunday Wellness Circle.Participate Contact

5/11 Sat. 12-3pm The Mud Ball Village, celebrating Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis with Parsons/New School joining us to create and live the regenerative village with symbiotic services, products and people.

  1.  Three Parsons/New School classes Sustainable Systems join The MoS Ephemeral Plaza At El Jardin Del Paraiso.
  2.  EVWC offers Sensoryscape for pageant ceremony
  3.  Our Ephemeral village joins the Ecological City Pageant with MoS Collective helping with Save The Park murals, to of costumed people and music— to the river to launch the MoS Bioremediation Sculpture, Amulets,  & Costumes

5/11 Sat. Switch 2-5pm Second Sunday Wellness Circle. Participate Contact

5/26 Sunday Loisaida Festival with puppet parade & Pageant MoS and EV Wellness Circle participated.


2018 Sept to Feb 2019 2nd Sunday Wellness Circle.

2/24 Sun. 2-7pm  A Healing happening: A journey Through Radiance: East Village Wellness Circle & Moving for Life/Studio 55 C

3/10 Sun 2-5pm Second Sunday Wellness Circle. Participate Contact


Sun 8/5 – 8/9: Two Row Camp: kayak & camp down Hudson River from Bear Mountain Pow Wow to United Nations Day of the indigenous

Wed 8/1 – Sun 8/12: Dance Camp England! Western Mass, Camp Timber Trails, Tolland, MA (We can do the 1-5)
EarthDance Fall work week

 2018 JUNE

6/4: Figment Festival : MoS stockpile of Mudballs. Ephemeral Village Plaza. Interested partners to co-lead click here.

6/12 : East Village Wellness Circle

6/16 & 17 Clearwater Festival, Croton Point. Camping week end. MoS Collective MudBalls (Bio:spheres & eco sculptures?) Times-up Bicycle Valet. Harbor Lab Kayaking

2018 MAY

 5/30, Sunday  Annual Loisaida Parade and festival : we help make costumes and parade. 
(rain date Sunday May 13)  Ecological City Procession of Pageantry. East Village Wellness Circle (you Are invited) is participating in the Ecological City Pageant through Lower East Side. We can anoint the masses as they parade through El Jardin del Paraiso.

5/13: East Village Wellness Circle:

Eathdance Spring work weekend in Berkshires (free with enjoyable minimal work exchange)

Bokashi Summer House by Shig: Governors Island. Interested participants click here. (pending application)

5/30: Loisaida Festival:

2018 APRIL
4/08 2-5, East Village Wellness Circle

4/22, 2018 All Gardens Spring Awakening Celebration: we might  be making seedballs and mud balls or working with community to make ecological sculptures.

4/22 Spring Awakening: SeedBalls/Mudballs bio:spheres/eco sculpture (experimental arts) to volunteer class click or just join the event. Link

Volunteer!  Help with the Eco Sculpture for the Ecological City pageant. Wednesday eve/Saturday’s at Loisaida Center.

2018 MARCH

Kayak Volunteers: help w Boys & Girls Club indoor Pool kayak classes Saturday’s March to June.

March 11 2-5 pm East Village Wellness Circle At 428 E 10th St . Between C/D

3/30 Come Watch Mud balls! : a 70 student Parson’s Sustainability class learning bioremediation with mud balls at El Jardin. To volunteer or sit in.


2018 FEB

Feb 27/18  6:30 pm – 9:30 pm Loisaida El Semillero Benefit Launch Celebration (Maker Space)
Purchase tickets: $50 investment in the space:
El Semillero is what we call the new Latino-Led 2018 Media & Technology maker space for the community

Feb. 24, 2018 to May 09, 2018 Ecological Arts/Puppet & Costume Workshops

MoS participants are making an eco sculpture with MôS Labs Hpmmmmm Program: phyto myco micro moss mollusk and me” materials/ingredients.

Wednesday’s 6-9pm (costume with artist Michele Brody) 
Saturday’s 12-4pm (puppet with artist Lucrecia Novoa)
 free – sign up to register!
@ Losaida Inc. Center 710 East 9th St. (btwn. Aves C & D)

2018  Wellness Circles:

Sun Feb. 11 , 2-5pm   Facebook invite   428 E 10th St . Between C/D The 10th St Co-working Space

Sun March 11, 2-5pm   Facebook invite  428 E 10th St . Between C/D 10th St Co-working Space

Sun April 08 2-5pm  2nd Sundays East Village Wellness Circle:  free. El Jardin del Paraiso: Next to 309 E. 4th st. NYC

Sun May 13 2-5pm   2nd Sundays East Village Wellness Circle: free. El Jardin del Paraiso: Next to 309 E. 4th st. NYC

Sun February: 2-5pm  2nd Sundays East Village Wellness Circle: free. Happiness Journal and Calendula Infusion

Sun January: 2-5pm  2nd Sundays East Village Wellness Circle: free: Tamalpa Expressive arts, Digestive Bitters, acupuncture at Avenue C Studio.

2017 Wellness Circles & MôS Events

Sun December: 2nd Sundays East Village Wellness Circle: 2-5pm free.  indoor plant swap & clipping propagation, acupuncture,, massage, weaving at LUNGS office

Sun November 12 2nd Sundays East Village Wellness Circle: 2-5pm free. El Jardin del Paraiso: Next to 309 E. 4th st. NYC

Sun October 08 2nd Sundays East Village Wellness Circle: 2-5pm free. El Jardin del Paraiso: Next to 309 E. 4th st. NYC

September 22-24  Weekend: LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival Weekend! Free in the Loisaida Community Gardens! We are offering The Art of Wellness, Mudballs and participants in the Loisaida Center and Morus Garbagia Universe Fashion Show.

Workshop fungi cultivation phase 2: fungi for community spaces gardens,  bioremediation and wellness.

Sun September 10: 2nd Sundays East Village Wellness Circle: 2-5pm free. El Jardin del Paraiso: Next to 309 E. 4th st. NY

Sun  8/17-8/27:  Dance Camp: Amazing everybody camp full of new thinkers and some dancing. Founded 30 yrs ago by a group dancers from Boston, Freedom NH. Now continuing by the kids and their grand kids running around.  not just for dancers.

Sun August/13: 2nd Sundays East Village Wellness Circle: 2-5pm free. El Jardin del Paraiso: Next to 309 E. 4th st. NYC

Sun August 01-8/11: Two Row Camp Bear Mountain to NYC: to UN for Day of the Indigenous.

Sun July 06-7/30  Indigenous Wisdom & Permaculture Skills Convergence: Pine Ridge Reservation,  SD

Sun July 09 2nd Sundays East Village Wellness Circle: 2-5pm free. El Jardin del Paraiso: Next to 309 E. 4th st. NYC

Sun June 11 2nd Sundays East Village Wellness Circle: 2-5pm free. El Jardin del Paraiso: Next to 309 E. 4th st. NYC

Sun June 4 Figment MudBall throw!

Sun June 28 2017 Loisaida Festival  Ave C from 12th-6Th St

Sun June 21 2017 The Beneficial MudBall Ball: A celebration of lifestyles of bioremediation. Plan/Participate. rsvp

Sun June 14 2nd Sundays East Village Wellness Circle: 2-5pm free. El Jardin del Paraiso: Next to 309 E. 4th st. NYC

Sat May 13 El Jardin Del Paraiso Love Your Block Work day.

Open workshops May 5-5/28  Loisaida puppeteer parade workshops  Ave C from 12th-6Th St

March/April/May Plan Mud Village Economy: plan utopian center w small businesses for the MudBall Ball.

Sun May 14/17 Wellness Circle

May 21/17 The MudBall Ball at El Jardin del Paraiso:  3-7pm


Fri 4/28-30 Earthdance Spring work weekend

Sat 4/22 LUNGs Spring Awakening Parade

4/15/17  Long Island City YMCA: Kayak Class in the pool   Seeking volunteers to help.   This is a Project where we are working on bioremdiation, habitat restoration and kayaking.  We are working on inclusion classes at the Y for grasping the basics and preparing people and young adults to go out on the river.

4/17/17   Swap, share Schnmoose with the Hells Kitchen Commons.

4/22/17  EARTH DAY Kayaking to the NewTown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant for a fabulous amazing one of a kind tour. Go to the top of the biodigestor eggs. We have done this and it’s really super interesting with a great guide.

Sun. 4/09/17  Sunday: East Village Wellness Circle Second Sundays. 2 pm-5 El Jardin del Paraiso: next to 309 E 4th St, NY, NY

Sun 3/12 2nd Sundays East Village Wellness Circle: 2-5pm Free. 21 Ave C in the Community Room.

Sat 3/18 Pool kayaking night for inclusion w DD by Harbor Lab: 10-11:30pm  Free.

Sun 3/26 3:30-5: BioBikes development meeting:  Reverse toxic legacy, teach kids bioremediating biospheres.

2/12/17 Sunday: East Village Wellness Circle Second Sundays. 2 pm-5.  Feb. indoors at 21 Ave C in the Community Room.

1/21/17 Long Island City YMCA: Kayak Class

1/08/17 Sunday: East Village Wellness Circle:  El Jardin del Paraiso: Second Sundays. 2 pm-5 Will be indoors unless some weird warm weather occurs and these days that is possible. We will be at 21 Ave C in the Community Room.


12/11/2016 Sunday 2-5pm East Village Wellness Circle:  El Jardin del Paraiso: Second Sundays. 2 pm

11/13/16 Sunday: East Village Wellness Circle:  El Jardin del Paraiso: Second Sundays. 2 pm

On going at MoS Labs: Mycelium Cultivation in liquid culture

10/09/16 Sunday: East Village Wellness Circle:  El Jardin del Paraiso: Second Sundays. 2 pm

10/07-10/16 : Week-end Kayak Certification with HarborLab with American Canoe Association at Harriman State Park.

10/02/16 Sunday:  MicroRemediation: Hpmmmm (p is silent) Part 1, 3pm with Brooklyn Bridge Park on the Floating Food Forest Barge

10/07/2016 Billion Oyster Training with Harbor School and Harbor Lab

9/25/16 Sunday:  September East Village Wellness Circle: El Jardin Del Paraiso:”The Art of Wellness”  5pm at LUNGS NYC Harvest Arts Festival


6/2016 June Figment Stockpile of Mud Balls/ Throw

6/2016 June Second Sunday Wellness Circle

6/ 2016 June Mud Ball workshop for Middle School watershed program in Williamsburg

7/2016 July Second Sunday Wellness Circle

8/2016 August Second Sunday Wellness Circle

2016 SUMMER Projects

  1. MoS The Bioremediation Program:  Hpmmmm (p is silent) Program:  Help us with our mission: 30k Mud balls with the Harbor Phyto, Myco, Micro, Moss, Mollusk Program! Contact to be in the bioremediators group. Teaching volunteer teachers.  RSVP.  Funding for supplies received and we are setting fun bioremediation factory days.
  2. MoS Mud Ball Challenge: We help you make 1000 at a party?
  3. The Wellness Circle: Be a giver or receiver or both. For more info:  The Wellness Circle & like the facebook page.


 5/22/16  Sunday THE MUDBALL BALL, #6 annual celebration of Bioremediation and Symbiosis. View page.

2015 to 2016 WINTER

MoS Participants will be hosting & participating at the following events. Our Winter/Spring events will be held at Italo’s in Bushwick.

3-4-2016:  Fri. Art Opening MoS ART: The Scene Behind The World.  MoS documented Art by dd Maucher
Italo’s Bk, 895 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11206.   Part 1 Biophilic Transformations with photography, figure drawing, illustration, painting and documentary art

Every Monday 7-10pm. Life Drawing Session at Italo’s bk.

12-19-2016:  Makers Market Plaza  12-8pm @ Italo’s in 895 Broadway in Bushwick. Contact us to participate as a vendor, musician, activity, other non vendors welcome to make a beautiful afternoon experience. FB page Makers Market at Italos BK.

Every first weekend: next Mar.  5 &6, 2016: go to Artisan Market for more info and to register.

Bokashi Series

Part 1 – Jan 27, 2016 How to recycle all food waste back to the soil.

Part 2 – Feb 11, 2016  How to make the bokashi fermentation starter.

Part 3 – March 10, 2016  Advanced bokashi Inquiries:

Part 4 – March 24, 2016  Other uses like beneficial mud balls :   at Italo’s BK, 895 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY

Every 3rd Thur: Mar 24,2016 Dream Journeys 9:30-10:30 @ Italo’s in 895 Broadway in Bushwick. Third Thursdays  RSVP

Every T & th 7-9: Hatha Yoga at Italo’s in Bushwick : 895 Broadway, Brooklyn. FB event page is at italosbk.  

1- 21- 2015: Thurs 6-8 pm MoS Advisory Board Meeting at Italo’s in Bushwick : 895 Broadway , Brooklyn

1-23-2016:  Sat. 1-4pm East Village Wellness Circle : committee meeting: grant writing session- please volunteer to write a grant. FB page: East Village Wellness Circle


12/19/2015   Maker’s Market Piazza (plaza, not pizza) 12-8pm @ Italo’s in 895 Broadway in Bushwick : Contact us to participate as a vendor, musician, activity, other non vendors welcome to make a beautiful afternoon experience.

12/20/2015  East Village Wellness Circle 1-4pm RSVP for location in the East Village.

12/12/2015 Italo’s BK Cafe/space opens: a good place for people & a good hub for the MoS Collective.

11/27/2015  Thanksgiving @ upstairs @ Italo’s in Bushwick

11/01/2015  Winter Wellness Circle: “Duvet Capes & Snow Suits”
MoS & Acumobile are hosting “The Art of Wellness” Circle again! El Jardin Del Paraiso 1-3 Sunday.  FB Invite | Photos  Join/Contact/take part

11/11/2015  Visioning for Smiling Hogshead Ranch Montauk cut off property at Nomad Cycle, LIC

10/3  Brooklyn Permaculture Festival: MoS is attempting an Ephemeral Piazza with the music, food skill-shares, hands-on fun at the permi fest. Make mud-balls, seed balls.   Calling all MOS participants.

10/10   Get together and bonfire at Myrtle Garden in Bushwick, BK ROT garden.

10/16-18 Utopia Slumber Party: Copenhagen Denmark — in a dome with Utopia School

9/25-27  WELLNESS CIRCLE Harvest Arts Festival: MoS & Acumobile are hosting “The Art of Wellness” Circle. including 25 East Village gardens and 100’s of artists. Invite | Photos 

9/25-27  Futurists meeting in Christiania Denmark.   Rolando “Kappo Kappino” is attending.

9/20 Peace Bike Ride with Peace Museum NYC,  Nadette and Yoga teacher. Long list of sites and poses to do at them. meet at Ghandi statue in Union Square at 2 pm

9/8 Seedball Meeting. UWS.

9/11-13  MoS Retreat to Earthdance Center, Plainfield MA. Community & retreat center. It’s the annual fall work week end.
Great time and wonderful people and food and nature and learning from this permaculture and creative living lifestyles from which to practice beneficial succession and inspire, share new ideas and hone old ones.   Invite | Photos

9/15  Seedball Meeting. UWS

9/5-8 Intentional Communities Conference in VA

9/5-8 Shinnecock Pow Wow in Southampton

9/1  Seedball Meeting. UWS.


8/29 Ay Mayo performing at 8pm 6th St Community Center between C and B  Sat at 8.

8/29 Harbor Lab Yellow Submarine Kayak to Coney Island. Planting native seed balls and beach plums, cleaning beach and painting partially sunken tiny submarine.

8/29 Block ParTy 9th St and Ave C.

Aug 1-11 (and any time in between): Schedule:  TwoRow.Camp:   Camp, Paddle, bike or and walk 15 miles a day down the Hudson: Facebook.  It’s a fun vacation organized by Ted and Anne Apparu-Hall, of, following the same course as in 2013 with the original Two Row to keep the paddle going and peace and care of self, each other and earth.  We will be throwing seed balls and mud balls, big potlatch every night with locals. Enjoy the beautiful Hudson river scenery with friends Invite

Fri July 24: 7:00pm 596 Acres’ Summer *FUN*raiser 166 7th Street, Brooklyn NY 11215   (Facebook)

June 24-30: Jude Hobbs Permi Teacher Training Hosted by Beyond Organic Design

July 13: 7:30pm Movie, Music, Dancing and Performance. Celebrating the American Disabilities Act with Free Outdoor Movie “MUSICAL CHAIRS” – a Susan Seidelman Film (Facebook) 45th St Matthews Palmer Playground in Hells Kitchen Hosted by Chana Widowski

July 9 6 pm A Grand Party INFO at Smiling Hogshead Ranch

July 9-10: FIRST Urban Permaculture Conference Hosted by Beyond Organic Design. Free IPEC slideshow July 8! Register now at

Mon July 6 Celebration of Capt John Doswell at Pier 66.


More MudBall Ball meet & Eats w special guests: locations to come: try to make at least one if you plan to participate

6/19-21 Clearwater Festival: Mud Ball sign up at HarborLab at the waterfront and bike valet with Times-up.

6/14 Queens Compost Bike Ride by Gil at Smiling Hogshead Ranch

 Sun 6/7 1-4 Figment NYC Gov Island:  The Stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls and a Picnic Piazza. 

Sun 5/30: 3-7 New Museum: MoS with The Web w Seed Ball.

Sun 5/24: Spring MudBall Ball & Ephemeral Piazza

Sun 5/24: The MudBall Ball Set Up: 10-2: 3-7pm at El Jardin Del Paraiso. 4th btwn C/D Ave.

Sat 5/22: All day Prep: making cool stuff. 10th St/First 

Fri 5/22: 7pm.  MoS Mud Ball Series: 5 – Lifestyles of Biospheres, GreenPoint

Mon 5/18: 7pm.  MoS Mud Ball Series:  4 Self Care: self/partner shiatsu,  Bushwick

Tue 5/15-17: Transition Convergence Roanoke, VA

Tue 5/12: 7pm.  MoS Mud Ball Series: 3 – Art & Culture: anthropology movement,  East Village

May 7: Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance Conference 9am -5pm

Thu 5/7: 7pm  MoS Mud Ball Series: 2 – Physical Space & Real-estate

April 19: 4 pm BBQ. MoS Mud Ball Series: 1 – Alt Energy w x-up. at La Plaza Cultural 9/Ace C.

April: Spring Awakening Lower East Side: Go to (bioremediation biospheres)

March 26, 27, 28: SHHR Hoedown, Week End (LIC, NY)

March 19: Spring Equinox Jam (Plainfield MA)


March 5: Thur: MoS Town Hall 6:30

All Freezing February: Pick up Ice Balls from the East Village or LIC. Placing & photographing Ice balls: contact us to do a volunteer photo shoot. Winter Ice Balls are ready for a fabulous extravaganza. MoS Collective participants will bring the ice balls fixings.

Tues 6:30 MoS Games: Collaboration & Detox

Feb 19 Jamaica Bay Film Screening: 1 Bryant park

Feb 10: Rally to save gardens City Hall

Jan 24: Bushwick Italo’s Open House 895 Broadway BK

Jan 21: NYC Transition meeting : economics 15th St at Friends School 7pm

Jan 16: MoS Town Hall: Permaculture, Economics, Transition Town

Jan 16: Andrew’s Permaculture & Business talk: 388 Atlantic Blvd BK – The Commons 7pm

Jan 15: Rebuild by Design

Feb 7: Old Stone house Seed Exchange

Fall 2014 MoS @ for work weekend retreat

Check out the last week of

Oct 5, 2014 The Fall Ball: The Beneficial Mud Ball Beneficial Mud Ball at Smiling Hogshead Ranch. A Garden Celebration of Bioremediation and Second MôS Collective Mud Village Piazza!


All SUMMER: making great stuff, growing and eating and playing. byproducts of our play heal the water air and soil and selves. We grow water, water, beach mountain eat enjoy.

Community Gardens: Garden, ideation, seed balls, mud balls, bon fires, eating, growing, pizza oven making-eating, biodigesting, building cool projects, Wellness at Gardens, public space interactions, yoga, movies, parties, invent, pot-lucks, EAT, hiking/foraging. Planting, star gazing, hammocks, kayaking and good friends. Details and offer your happening!  We travel with or by bikes, ferries, kayaks & sailboats when possible.
Aug 20 – Aug 30 : Dance New England Camp.

Aug 1: Two Row.Camp with week long.

June Clearwater Festival: Bike Valet with Times-Up

June 6: Figment Stockpile of Mud balls & Piazza

May 30: Ideas City

Harvest Festival: Go to


’14 Sundays in Queens  Smiling Hogshead Ranch in LIC Queens. 25-30 Skillman Ave. Queens NY. Check their Tumbler page for schedule.  email to join participate or come to a Town Hall.

Summer ’14  La Plaza Cultural Community Garden:  9th St between Ave B and C. If non is there yet get started with the List of things to help on posted on the side of the shed and near the double gate/water pump.   email to join participate or come to a Town Hall.

1st Thursdays 6:30  Monthly Winter Meeting Series 2014
Oct 2: MoS Collective MoStown Hall Meetings: Connectivity. email us for location.

Every Thursday 6:15-7:30 MAKERs. Prop making and organizing for upcoming things. email to participate.

2013 Bokashi & MUD BALLS

EM-1:  Mudballs and Fermenting Food Waste: Hands on learning

• Shig and Susan process food waste at El Sol Brillante Garden, 12th St between Ave A and Ave B. They are in the back or in the Children’s Garden on the corner of Ave B. They split up all the work during the week. Email us to pick a time that is good for you.

• JOIN THE EM-1 group, send email to

• Working with EM at

• Help team up on proposals for EM Mud balls for NYC land and waterways.

• Fundraising ! : EM-1 Bioremediation with Mud Balls and EM1.
Raising funds to educate neighbors on the use of beneficial food based microbes to help clean-up the storm water run off & safely remediate local air, water and soil. Funding will be for producing Em-1 and bioremediation education and mud balls for the residents associated with the Gowanus and the storm water run off into the canal. How do beneficial food based microbes safely clean our environment?
First we would like to pay for testing with controlled data taking for Gowanus and New Town Creek water. We have invited Brooklyn College to do the research. BC is already testing the EM-1 formula. There is also test being done now at Poly Prep in Brooklyn with buckets of their pond water. That is seeing very successful results so far with the EM-1! The testing is not yet conclusive. By the looks of it I can’t wait to share the results.

• EM-1 for post flooding:

Request a Training of EM-1 for bioremediation for Disaster Relief. Class limited to 25 people. We will be basing the workshops off a program from past flood events: ie Katrina. Tested and proven successful on the 200 homes.
The plan is available on There is comprehensive instruction.

It is used to clean water, control odors, and break down toxic chemicals.
Spraying EM•1® on organic wastes (sewage, manures, etc) and on petrochemicals is an effective bioremediation method. And, EM•1® is so safe anyone can do it….and, everyone in a flooded area should use it to make a healthier environment.

EM-1 Sandy Relief page