MoS Spring 2020

Calling all Mobster Lobsters!

Calling all MoS Lobs of Mini Mobs’

(Masters of Succession

Mini Mobs, Masters of Beneficial Succession’s,

Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis)

A February Ecological City Presentation

2/4 MOS instigator dd Maucher is presenting biotextiles:  Wednesday at Loisaida Center, 710 E 9th St 6:30 for the Ecological City Pageant with

Feb. EV Wellness Circle

at Grace Space 2/9. 2-5pm Jocelyn Perez Blanca herbalist is presenting Fire Cider plus whatever else we manifest.

Feb. Daniel Memorial Performances

2/9 Daniel Polnau, Magic Maker from the Land of Yes Memorial Closing performances at MoRUS 4-8 pm Ave C

Feb. & March EV Unified Plan

At Grace Andrew, Center For Bioregional Living, Stewart Hoyt, myself and others will be drawing an EV map on the north wall. It’s a permaculture design plan that unifies the community vision.

March EV Wellness Circle Second Sunday

3/6 Grace Exhibition Space is launching the initiative: Water, Birds, Life with performance‘s.

March Biotextile Workshops

3/4,11,18 Wednesday’s MOS participants dd Maucher & friends teach mycelium prop making & kombucha biotextile for Earth Celebrations

MARCH Build & Prep

The Beautifying Pushcarts of Ave C

Workshops for April SPRING AWAKENING:   goal is at least 6 creative pushcarts & leads. Join us as artist, scientist, ecology, biology  accumulators, pushers & upcycled cart builders. Categories: Phyto, micro, myco, moss, mollusk & me (accumulate for example: flowers, soil, worms, Bokashi, fungi, kelp, moss, oysters to eat and shells to save, medicinals & added value products like salves or tinctures)

What’s easy to accumulate in your lifestyle?

  • make carts: accumulate materials: wheels etc… to make 6 cool carts. ⚙️
  • plants for tree pits, pots & trellises for building vines
  • Soil, compost, Bokashi, worms, lady bugs
  • Oyster mushroom spawn grain glow in the dark mushrooms?
  • Collect waste moss from projects but do not extract it.
  • Cultivate mussels and kelp Do not extract but grow more.
  • Oysters to eat. Save shells
  • Collect make things to sell from garden offerings.

3/8 EV Wellness Circle Second Sunday

April Bioremediating Sculpture Collaborations!

There’s lots of making and collecting  materials that are a by-product of you’re potential lifestyle. (Accumulate resources & materials as you live. Resource from symbiotic relationships.)

What’s you’re pleasure?

  • Braid Phragmites reeds for a raft that will pull toxins from water column
  • Weave weeping willow for 6 spherical baskets for oyster cages.
  • Sew & collect hair & oyster fungi for 2 mycobooms remediate water surface oils
  • Design seed mosaics for migratory birds.
  • Kombucha Leather for water probiotics
  • Mud balls for sediment to eat waste and break down toxins
  • Grow kelp to deacidify water and sequester co2.
  • Rig the sculpture to to go over the Railing into the East River.

May 9 Ecological City Pageant

What’s your pleasure?

Floats: bike w pushcarts & costumes & sculpture

  • MOS Collective videographer
  • Side walk graffiti artists
  • Compost and soil amenders
  • Tree stewards w pruners
  • Flower planting people
  • Myco installations and myco costume that offers parts of itself to gardens.  Costume might be very skimpy at the end.
  • Silver Slug slimers
  • Crew to Rig the sculpture to lift over the railing into the East River.

The Beautifying Push Cart Brigade

Calling Mobsters Lobsters:


Rent these cool carts & make by vending while bioremediating & beautifying

  • May Loisaida Festival
  • June Dance Parade ?
  • Whenever u like sell stuff
  • Summer Block parties

