March-May 2019 MoS participants will be making a sculpture for the second Ecological City Pageant by Earth Celebrations is May 11, 2019, in the East Village. We will be doing this by living lifestyles of bioremediation & symbiosis. It’s just what we do.

Milkweed fibers March 2018

Milkweed fiber cordage

2018 elements

Contact us to take part and add your bits!

The sculpture is an offering for the East River at the end of the pageant around 4:45. This isn’t only ceremonial but it’s truly a gift, like feeding and healing the river. We work for months collecting parts of our lifestyles to add to the sculpture.

Bioremediating floating sculpture 2018 by MoS Collective.

2018 Lap of bioremediation sculpture with oysters, medicinal plants, kelp, salt tolerant oyster mushrooms.

Last year with DD with Marta, Tess, Nick and his roommate and two Parsons students built from natural and healing materials we collected from our lifestyles.  We made a Bioremediating Floating Sculpture. To launch it many more people from the community helped. Adam, Daniel, Jimmy, Nick and others who all lifted it’s heavy butt over the railing on to the calm undulating East River … and it floated.

Then Marta lifted the raft out and released the sculpture into the water. The microbial rich sculpture swirled down and into the darkness to do her good work.

Again this year, we are trying it again.

We’ve started by clearing a dozen dead milkweed stalks in the park on the way back from a meeting to save the East River Park from being buried.  We then maneuvered through Trader Joe’s with them while we did not accidentally poke people.

COSTUMES of Regenerative Culture

This year we will also be, if someone wants to lead this, making biophilic costumes out of mushroom textiles and other cool stuff. Possibly a Parsons/New School Student will take it on,


Natural dyes

The Ecological City Pageant is May 11, 2019

We call collecting and growing our materials Living our Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis. (LoBS). MoS LoBS Labs. Ha  a new language.

We will make twine with the milkweed stalks. We will mix fermented effective microbial clay, grow mushrooms, brew kombucha, collect medicinal & dry plants, seeds for migrating birds, grow moss, grow kelp on rocks and out of mussels, oyster shells, make white clay goop for colored beneficial slurry paints. Are you already making any of this or clearing and of this?


Oyster mushrooms, bioremede petroleum

To help with ingredients please join us. We will be working in an East Village Garden in April. Start stockpiling willow & stuff now.  Now Wed & Thurs. evening & flex schedule.

Contact us.
