on May 11, 2019 we launch the MoS Collective Bioremediating sculpture project by dd Maucher for Ecological City Pageant 2019.

The placement of the bioremediating sculpture on to the water as a celebratory gift to the river. The sculpture falls apart, will sinks to the bottom to remediates the waste & toxins in the sludge below, create activity & oxygen, give the aquatic life vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, plus the sculpture will bind metals out of water column, sequester CO2, reduce acidity and filter the water.

We are building the form with sticks and willow. We started with Parsons Student, Shirley Tang.

1. Collecting the materials while gardening.


2. I know what it is… “A young Permaculture enthusiast stepping fiercely into the future”, sternum first, neck enjoying breeze, arms down and back — hands vibrant.  I hope she floats.


Right now it looks as if its head is down, arms bent, hands lithe. It will change with time. It walks mindfully through the forest right now as it should be. It is where it wants to be, not really on a mission — yet.

More people will work on the sculpture. Let’s see where it goes.

It’s a balance of many factors like listening to the materials as the sculpture grows, what I want it to look like as it grows, what other people’s styles and suggestions uncover as it grows and weather & time available. Perhaps “it”, “she” can be a “they” because it represents both male and female.

Sometimes I think sculptures are already formed. It’s a matter of uncovering them— especially if it’s after an urban snow storm— lots of work to be done then.

Bioremediating sculpture head

Make a head.

Bioremediating sculpture head & arms

Now it’s a kid.

Bioremediating sculpture attempting collar bone & scapula

Bioremediating sculpture attempting collar-bone & scapula


Reinforcing the shoulder girdle and rib cage

I try to let go of what it must be to what it wants to be. It’s always more exciting to work with more allowing. When we work together it’s even more interesting.

An unfolding improvisation that starts with a stick… and then it builds into a character, then a situation unconsciously unfolds. Later look back to read the art like a tarot card.

This sculpture started with lots of ideas from the willow weaving internet. I let the images go. Shirley and I collected branches. We looked at our findings, how about this? How about that? We turned it around, upside down,— nah — but eventually settled on this one as a start. Then I was allured by a huge pile of curly willow the city just cut off their building next to the garden. I put some curly willow as energy behind the standing body, sailing forward.

The initial core standing on its own

The initial core standing on its own

Both planned and unplanned processes are full of discovery and challenge.

It is nice to listen to the materials and watch the sculpture unfold. The choices always reveal themselves as reflections later.

Permalink: http://wp.me/p2bm5T-4fd