Dog and Cat Urine Smell and Stain Remover

  1. OPTIONAL: Spray some Activated EM-1 all purpose cleaner so the microbes can fill up on all the good stuff. (click to make your own)
  2. Mix in spray bottle (keep on hand for other uses)
    – 50% White Vinegar
 to neutralize the ammonia

    (Never use ammonia b/c the pee has ammonia in it thus encouraging another visit to pee.)
    – 50% water Liquid
    use lots!
  3. Sprinkle handful of Baking Soda
  4. Mix
    – natural Dishwashing Detergent
    – 3% Hydrogen Peroxide.  (if no Hydrogen Peroxide; any “OXY” product has it in it)
    Pour over the baking soda – work in with gloves then with scrubbing brush.
  5. Dry and vacuum! Sparkling clean!