The MudBall Ball ’17

The Villagers at El Jardin Del Paraiso NYC at The MudBall Ball Photo by dd maucher.
The Villagers at El Jardin Del Paraiso NYC at The MudBall Ball Photo by dd maucher.
The Villagers at El Jardin Del Paraiso NYC at The MudBall Ball Photo by dd maucher.

The 7th MudBall Ball!
A Garden Celebration of Bioremediation & Symbiosis

The 7th Beneficial MudBall Ball & Ephemeral Piazza

WHEN: Sunday, May 21, 2017

TIME: 2:30-7:30 pm

WHERE: El Jardin Del Paraiso, 311 E 4th St. NY,NY.  Between Ave C and Ave D, Lower  East Side Manhattan.

WHAT:. Adventure in a lush El Jardin Del Paraiso with the Masters of Succession in the Lower East Side of NYC. We collectively create and then celebrate our creation, it’s a village center, a place, a public square, a plaza. It is a picnic potluck – bring the dish you wish.

Your presence will help us co-create a naturally resilient & interdependent network.

BRING: You can bring instruments, hula hoops, cardboard egg cartons, treats to share, a spork, clay food bowl and a goblet and a dish if you wish.

ATTIRE: Come as you are! OR dress in diaphanous gowns, silk attire, top hats, regalia and mud boots. You can make regalia, haberdashery and hats at the ball.

Eventbrite - The MudBall Ball #7

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Marie A: herbal salts. The MoS Village Center Building at El Jardin Del Paraiso NYC .  The MudBall Ball
by MoS Collective and Shig
The Villagers at El Jardin Del Paraiso NYC at The MudBall Ball Photo by dd maucher.
Photo by Julie Brown
Spirit Warrior in scobie skin chamise. BioTextiles 2016 for garbagia
The Villagers at El Jardin Del Paraiso NYC at The MudBall Ball Photo by dd maucher.
Kevin Nathaniel
Valerie Green & Dd Maucher at Mud Ball Ball oyster toss



BioBlitz Bike Rides:  More info to come! Stay tuned to meet up with a bio ride and make beneficial succession on the way to the Ephemeral Piazza to the MudBall Ball.


At 2:30pm we are setting up and request a “BARN RAISING”: feel free to build up the piazza with us. It’s the best part. We co-create the plaza and we mingle, enjoy pot luck and beverages, meet each other.

At 3:30pm we the bell sounds and town opens…. THE EPHEMERAL PIAZZA: a town Square of  activities with stories and hubbub. We continue to share food (it’s a picnic potluck!), relax on a blanket, receive acupuncture, we cut hair, sip detox tea, and make mud balls. Sales are to pay for the event expenses.oysters $1.,Save oyster shells to be used in many resourceful ways as you will discover….

We morph the piazza into the village ball.

7pm Procession to the water

If you are not dressed, get gussied up for a fancy pants jazzy procession to the East River. We use self made instruments to create a union of harmonic flow to the water. There we honor the water stewards that have passed and throw spent shells in to create an oyster reef.
The purpose of our waterway procession is to bring awareness into the community of our connection to the water and better understanding of how we can be empowered with this information and individually be a part of our environment. MoS activities, like making the mudballs and saving oyster shells to be tossed into the river to help revitalize the waterway. Oysters and mudballs are bioremediators! We procession back to the oasis of paradise for a circle of gratitude and closing remarks.

7:30 Closing Ceremony: with drums and didgeridoo.  announcing “the reminder”.  bY Ovdrum if you want to join for closing. 

Shift Switch: Stay to leave a better trace.  Linger longer for a laughing impromptu bioluminescent music jam.


The first Mudball Ball, in 2012, started as a way to make waterway revitalizing Mud Balls for Figment Project Weekend. The Stockpile of Beneficial Mud balls year 1. We made mud balls and ball gowns in garden while eating oysters, learning how to redesign for a healing regenerative life by making beneficial mud balls, and eating oysters. We purified water — a spiral of betterment making.


In 2013 The MBB grew into detoxing not only water but air, water and soil plus detox of self.

In 2014 we invited people to bring what they do that also detoxes air, water and soil in what they like to do. Basically a MoS village of activity. The Ephemeral Piazza was born. We have created a village center.
In 2015 it grew and now 2016 it’s still growing. The Six Annual MudBall Ball will carve out new channels of how we can better meet our needs, support each other through sharing of materials, time and skill– but most of all we have a super chill time with a deeper sense of camaraderie and that our uniqueness can matter in this economy of things.

Screen Shot 2015-04-09 at 3.03.20 PMFormerly this garden was a truck garage and toxic empty lots next to a public school. Organizers organized many lots to combine and declare this property “eminent domain”. Then turned it into a community garden with the help of Gaia institute. There will be an audio tour available of the history hosted by


Now this frolicking garden paradise has vegetables, fruit trees and a medicinal herb garden cared for by JK and Marie, a nest-like tree-house by Roderick. Now people shed their city vibes after one step inside this garden.

The Gaia Institute Paul Mankiewicz worked with a team and made the chemical cap and a water retaining swale system that catches all the rain hitting the land and the near by roofs. Paul comes to the MBBall if you have questions about his work.



Thank-you for groups:
El Jardin Del Paraiso | Recycle and Pray | Gaia Institute | Shig Empathic World & 12th St Bokashi | Acupuncture Mobile Services | MoRUS • Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space | Times-Up | Pura Vida Seafood | Jimmy’s No. 43 | | Green Map | Figment Project | Italo’s BK | Peace Now Dept | Imani Garden | Beyond Organic Design | Miki Katagiri Millinery | Lisa Shaub Millinery | Public Space Party | JC’s Pedie Cab Services | 596 Acres | Hells Kitchen Commons | 44/45th St Playground | Susty Q | Community Carting and Composting | Earthdance Retreat Center (Plainfield, MA) | 4th St Arts Block | LUNGs • Loisaida United Neighborhood Gardens | NYC Community Garden Coalition | Green Phoenix Permaculture | NY Permaculture Meetup | Jimmy’s 43 | 6th St Community Center | Molecule | Loisaida festival |

Thank-you: JK Canepa, Marie Argeris, DD Maucher, Wendy Brawer, Sonia Pena, Wendy Zena Henry, Rachel Kaplan, Paul Mankiewicz, Casper Hanak, Bill DiPaolo, Italo Morelli, Shig Matsukawa, Monica & Justin Ibacache, Rolando Politi, Greg Todd, Kevin Nathaniel Hylton, Evan Worldwind, Yahoteh Kokayi, Tom Chase, Jon Lee Rucker, JC Augustin, Benjamin Shepard, Charles Krezell, Marta Gaia, Anne Apparu, Edward Hall, Wenting Chen, Ann Lee, Lisa Shaub, Miki Katagiri, Joanne Russo, Derek, Anandi Premlalli, Annabelle Meunier, Stephen Kelly, Stephen Arthur, Steven Prestianni, Monica Ibacache, Rachel, Jimmy Simopoulos, John Wagner, Estella, Sarah Ferguson, Marta Gaia Time, David Barish, Pete Shapiro, Jill Lanier, Andrea Annessi Mecci, Dustin Grella, Jessica Lynn, Diana Yourke, Pablio, Kathy Puffer, Solar Cities, Kate Garden soma, Julie.


2015 MUDBALL BALL thank-yous and the whole story.

Your presence is requested, your participation is gratefully accepted!

Contact Dee Dee to register.