The scene behind the world This etched photograph is from college pin hole camera assignment. : i made a three hole pin hole camera. It took sheets of  kodalith film. I painted the box blue and called it “The Big Blue Clodhopper with the Despotic Swagger”.

I carried this clodhopper around. I placed it down, as I waited as it didn’t captured the unseen world. They were stark triplicate images and didn’t think they came out so great so I drew in the world I saw.   I madd the invisible visible by etching into the film. I used spot tone colors to fill in the lines on the print.  I called there images  “The Scene Behind the World”.

I think this is what we are bringing visible! We are the scene behind the world. As are the microorganisms and the mitochondria. Our hive is the Ephemeral Piazza. I think as we continue building, connecting, collaborating, each one of us will be better prepared with the “tensilegrity” “tendrilegity” important connections to blossom outside.

As Wenting would say, it’s the “Crack of Hope”.  That’s what this place is too.
It is where our hopes and dreams sprout and crack through from behind the world’s scene to in front of it.

See you there.

