Acupressure pointThis is the point Wendy Henry, friend and acupuncturist, co-founder if EVWC with me.
She sent me this to release my mild headache, forehead and back of neck. 4 days. I searched around the point area to find a place that released the tension. I felt my solar plexus relax which allowed my stomach to bloat out (maybe from hydrating with lots of hot water w lemon).

A combination of things lead to the demise of the headache.

All day and night limited screen time and apple slices (pectin) often w almond butter. A salad of parsley, dressing w garlic and toast, potato veggie soup.  Still I had a mild headache at 7pm. I did a self paced “Paz” (our local yogi) Hatha series, ( “sleeping” between), slowwww deep belly breathing, slowww side to side nose breathing, did the point acupressure, used a raw cut potato on my forehead, kept with the slowwww yoga, hydrated, resolved a work issue.
9pm Headache reduced!!
Then laughed w a friend about high school things, head ache gone!!
Then before bed a hot drink, shot of 4 drops of oregano oil with apple cider vinegar n dab of olive oil, ate a bit of garlic clove chopped, elderberry gummy bears, more various vitamins, spoonful of my Jocelyn’s Fire Cider EVWC workshop — every day.
Called another friend, became so tired after 4 days of holding released. Oh let’s not forget the painful-to-my-eyes neti pot. I can’t get the salt proportion right anymore.

Then I slept a billion hours. I’m back to normal.

It’s this covid? It comes and goes? I hope not. Ugh.

That was a determined series of actions to begone the headache, to knock it out early just incase it’s covid. I’m ready for what’s next.  I’m low on fruit.

Tonight drinking linden tea.

I’ll admit the non-organic apples from TJs a week ago were very delicious (a bag). The bag of blood oranges— very rotten. Win some, lose some.

Hope to see you at 3pm for our Second Sat or Sunday gathering. Our first ever zoom!

If you want share what you’ve been doing to stay well on the EV wellness fb group. Message us to be invited if you want to be on it.