Beneficial Microbes

September 21, 2017
Bioremediating microorganisms

9/24 The Harvest Arts of Mud Ball Making

Pleased to announce for The LUNGS HARVEST ARTS FESTIVAL Artists Make, Talk & Walk Sunday 9/24 5pm – 6pm at El Jardin Del Paraiso 311 East […]
January 24, 2014
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[Shig:FFW] Fermented Food Waste Drop-off & Trenching

FFW Questions: "I now have several buckets of FFW [fermented food waste] and lots of questions. 1. Do any of you know of a compost place that would welcome some FFW to feed their worms? and maybe even on the other side give me back some FFW-fed worm compost? 2. If I find some barren soil and bury my FFW there, do I mix the FFW into the soil when I reclaim the FFW-treated soil? 3. Can you send me to a good website so I can learn more? - Grateful & eager, Maureen"
January 15, 2014

[Shig:FFW] Fermented Food Waste around Trees

“How do I use my fermented food waste around trees?” Shig replies: For trees, bury at least 3 feet away, and likely you’ll have to dig […]
October 1, 2013

9/13 EM-1 at Earthdance

(9/26) The former gardener at Earthdance, Sean, started making his own EM-1 at the same time I met him Spring of 2013. He learned about it […]