February 3, 2014

[sic] A New French Fanzine

A yearly French Fanzin curated by publishers editions En Scred, Lucie Van Der Elst and Marie Aubry. Lucie was in NYC interviewing urban farmers for the […]
February 2, 2014
Ted and Pete Seager

Pete Seeger: “Little Miracles”

"As a matter of fact this world is going to be saved not by people with long faces, 'Oh isn't it terrible, oh …isn't it awful.' It is going to be saved by the ppl who say 'well it sure is terrible, well, let's do something about it and they got a big GRIN on their face while they are planning some new ESCAPADE which is going to get people together to perform another little MIRACLE."
February 2, 2014

MoS Town Hall Projects

We have had 3 meetings: There are now many projects and skills on the table so we will start shuffling stitching them into a bigger networked […]
January 28, 2014

2/6 Mos Town Hall Meeting #3

MoS Town Hall Meeting: #3 in a meeting series: Bioremedation + Public Space. Thursday, Feb 6, 2014, 6:15 pm Jimmy's No 43 East 7th St Back-room. Find supportive links for your projects and visions in ’14. (Stay for hobnobbing at the bar after 9). Day to day we interact with bioremediaton more and more to survive. We have gotten to the point where we need to filter or clean our air, water and soil in our daily doings otherwise it may make us sick. Even ancient civilizations practiced some kind of beneficial succession of their water, air and soil to sustain their people. Now that we are scientifically much more advanced at polluting our natural resources we have also become disconnected from these processes that meet our needs. We must learn to be similarly as innovative at designing scientific systems that will have the by-product of beneficial succession. We can tie the 2 desires if we make bioremediation part of the intention.  Public Space and the commons is a good place to tie in this bioremediation.